Evolution Vs Creationism
Essay by review • March 4, 2011 • Essay • 428 Words (2 Pages) • 1,085 Views
Abortion has a big place in the controversial world, with a variety of beliefs of when, if at all, is acceptable. The United States has the highest rate of unwanted pregnancies, therefore causing the wanted abortion rates to rise. Abortion was legalized in 1968 at the Roe vs. Wade trial. However, people are still fighting to ban it.
Both groups agree that a newborn baby is a person and deserves protection. However, opinions start to differentiate when the question of when a human comes into existence. It could be from the moment of conception anywhere to the moment is it born.
Most highly religious groups believe that it is not right to have this done, mainly for moral reasons. They think that life begins at conception and that as soon as it is an embryo, it considered a human being, protected by God. In other words, it is a human just like the rest of us and deserves life. It is safe to say that they consider it as murder. Also, that if health issues are concerned, it is better for the woman and the fetus to die rather than to save the woman's life by stopping her pregnancy. Others believe that the choice of abortion has its exceptions, such as rape, incest, or harming the woman's physical health.
For the most part, pro-abortionists think that life begins at the later stages of pregnancy, like when the fetus loses its tail and begins to look like a mammal or when it can live outside the mother's womb. Many think that only abortions that are done very early are acceptable. Others even go as far as saying that abortions are okay up until the fetus is born. Also, a woman should have the right to do what she wants with her body and the government should not have a say in it. Adults that generally identify themselves as Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and of no religion tend to be more for the right of abortion. If legal abortion was not available, more women would end up with unwanted children. If this happens, there would most likely be a higher abuse and/or neglect rate. Financial reasons also exist. One might not be able to take care of their child because they simply afford it, especially young mothers. Legalizing abortion has also improved living conditions for their children. A single mother that had a kid on accident would not be able to handle it as much as one that had planned to have one with a loving father to help out.