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Existence of Yetis

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Existence of Yetis

The existence of yetis, also known as sasquatches, is really unknown. Stories of yeti confrontations vary beyond reason. Most of these stories are found in Native American legends (Stonehill 1). Theories are so outrageous that doubt flourishes.

A yeti is a large bear or gorilla like mammal that is mainly found in the Himalayas. It is a biped which means that it walks on its two hind feet, upright. From a distance, it can resemble a human being. A yeti has bear-like footprints and lives approximately twenty-thousand feet in altitude. They are often referred to as sasquatches because they have been known as sleeping bag snatchers (“Yeti” 2).

In Nepal, yetis are valued as part of their community, keep in mind that Nepal is near the Himalayas. Yetis are told to be symbols or warnings of upcoming events. Supposedly, when a major conflict was about to occur, someone would see a peaceful yeti in its environment. The inhabitants of Nepal do not like people killing yetis. There is an abominable snowman form that you must fill out if you have seen a yeti while you were in Nepal. It is a highly punishable crime if you don’t (Abominable Snowmen X, XI).

One questionable story involving the pursuit of abominable snowmen is when the two sons of former president Theodore

Abominable snowmen have allegedly been around for hundreds of years. They are well known in Tibetan areas. The word “snowman” in those areas means “man-bear.” This may be a contribution of the antagonist called the “man-bear-pig” from an episode of South Park. This is one of many contributions to the media that abominable snowmen have made (Stratus 1).

Throughout history, sasquatches have been encountered. Accounts of these encounters are never proven true. One of the most famous is told by Albert Ostman. He was camping by Vancouver when he woke up and noticed that his camp had been distressed. Later that night, he was dragged approximately twenty-five miles in his sleeping bag. The large sasquatch dragged him to a cave in the side of a mountain. Once they were there, Ostman was thrown onto the ground. He then saw a four sasquatches: the mother, father, and two offspring. The male was about eight feet tall. The sasquatches chattered among each other intelligently. Ostman believed that he was the proposed mate for the young female. He was held captive for six days (Stonehill 4).

Another encounter was recorded when Albert Ostman found a yeti ripping up his camp, looking for food. Ostman offered it some of his tobacco snuff. The Yeti took it and dumped the whole container into its mouth. It then was writhing on the ground in pain due to tobacco rush (Stonehill 3).

There is one especially strange conspiracy about yetis that has been made into several movies. The belief is that yetis are really robots. They were created by the Great Intelligence. These robots were made in a different dimension, and they are controlled telepathically. Their power comes from silver, levitating spheres. The main purpose of their creation was to make them sufficient guards for people or buildings. They were initially designed as weapons and were found in London (“Yeti” 2).

Yetis aren’t violent toward humans unless they are threatened. One time, two trappers were camped out in Wyoming, Montana when they noticed their camp had been ransacked. They

saw a large figure getting away so one of them decided to fire his rifle at it. That night, the camper was missing. The other camper went looking for him the next day and found him dead, in a cave, with teeth marks on his neck. The body was not gored or eaten. He was in one piece (“Are they Dangerous?” 1).

People living near yeti inhibited areas claim they hear screams, cries from a large beast, crashes, brush snapping, and throwing of large rocks. Yetis have also been known to be threatening toward cattle and kill dogs that threaten them. Normally, yetis are only dangerous when they are threatened or ravished (“Are they Dangerous?” 2).

Yetis are often seen in culture, today. They are mainly characters on television. One of the most famous is Bumbles, the villain,



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