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Explain the Origins of Symptoms for Which Hypnoanalysis Is Appropriate and Analyse the Different Techniques Learned in Class

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Explain the origins of symptoms for which Hypnoanalysis is appropriate and analyse the different techniques learned in class

Origins of symptoms

Hypnoanalysis is a methodology of therapeutic hypnosis. This approach looks at the therapist establishing the origin of the issue be it fear, phobia or anxiety for the client. This can play a vital role in the understanding and letting go of the fear, phobia or anxiety for the client. This can also be a very useful tool in establishing when this occurred and then progressing to challenge and de-escalate the issue, as part of the therapy understanding the client and resolving the origin of the issue prior to addressing the fear, anxiety or phobia. It can also address the emotions attached to this issue and work on alleviating and fears etc. for the client.

For many people the issue may arisen have been from childhood yet they are unable to identify when or where this event occurred. By using hypnotherapy and embracing the relaxed state of mind and conscience, once the root cause or event has been identified then it is easier to identify the behaviour patterns associated with this and work on resolving these. Using hypnosis with positive reinforcement and encouraging empowerment this can identity and eventually control the symptom’s to a more manageable level. This can be very useful in understanding the “cause and effect” reaction to a particular situation or event which has resulted in the “issue” for the client. Once the analysis has identified when this has occurred and the details as the client recalls them. This can be discussed with the client in the feedback, this can bring a lightning bolt effect in the realisation that this is when this issue commenced. By identifying and removing the root cause this can assist in easing the symptoms of the client and hopefully a better understanding and perhaps even closure for the client to then let go of the issue.

For many clients this has been a long term issue which manifests in panic attacks, phobias, irrational fears, issues with self-esteem and confidence, relationship issues, addictions and many others.


Regression is a tool which hypnotherapists can utilise to try and find the source of when the fear or phobia started. It can be very useful to determine the event or sequence of events which lead to this. It is guiding the individual through their past to try and recall hidden or buried memories. This is where Freud identified that there are different “levels” of the human mind. These levels are hidden in the unconscious mind and through hypnosis identify the connections between the events and the feelings and emotions attached to this. This can bring a better understanding of the heightened feelings and emotions attached to this and bring a sense of peace and closure to this event through better understanding. By utilising Hypnotherapy the re-visiting of these events can be very useful in eliminating a learned behaviour or emotion or negativity that is associated with the event. As an adult reflecting back on this it can be used to eliminate the triggers into this negative emotions, behaviour or feelings.


This can with a skilled practitioner be a useful tool in eliminating any negative feelings and emotions to a particular trigger. By reflecting back as an adult on a childhood emotion, fear or anxiety it can rationalise and bring acceptance to this negative behaviour.  Once these triggers have been addressed then the negative emotions which may be holding the individual back can then move forward, enlightened and with a lesser negative burden. Once the source has been identified it is then possible to “re-programme” or re-train the way of thinking regarding the trigger, therefore alleviating any further stresses or anxieties.


The incident may be overly traumatic for the client and they may wish not to disclose any details yet, this could come from childhood trauma of abuse, neglect, or something else. It could be that the client experiences and overwhelming emotion which they were not prepared for.

It is possible that the client may have a “false” memory, it is important to remember that the mind is a complex being and sometimes memories, emotions and feelings at that particular moment in time can be confused.

From a medical and clinical point of view there is currently limited evidence and in some cases most medical physicians and clinicians may be sceptical.

Free Association

Sigmund Freud, one of the most acclaimed therapist of modern day time developed the style and method known as free association. This is where it best described as the clichéd client on the couch freely verbalising any emotions and feeling and talking to the therapist about anything which flows through the mind. The thoughts behind this was not about the coherence of the words said but the associations or connections between them which then uncover repressed memories or emotions.

This allows one thought or memory to flow into another without necessarily being rations or logical, just flowing. Freud is quoted as saying “so say whatever goes through your mind. Act as though, for instance, you were a traveller sitting next to the window of a railway carriage and describing to someone inside the carriage the changing views you see outside”, On beginning the treatment, 1913. Freud believed that by using free association the client was allowing a repressed memory or experience to come through, and perhaps almost relived this experience.

This technique was indeed pioneered by Freud, it is still used in someway today, although usually in a modernised version. Therapists today may use this as part of regression therapy and by allowing the mind to wander through the memories and verbalise what they are seeing and experiencing then eliminate the fear. Freud’s focus was on the metal conflicts that kept these emotions buried deep in the mind.

In some way this can be seen by those people using mind maps, this is a chaotic way of interpreting thoughts and ideas put down on paper. This is used by many companies who are looking to develop and change ideas and ways of working. It is in essence Freudian free association, only documented in a visual way on paper. It can be chaotic and may seem disjointed but most people if they are contributing to this in a group session can see where it is leading.


This method is still used today in some parts although not all, but mainly in a modified version which has evolved over the years. This allows the client to reflect and wander through their thoughts, memories and discuss any emotions or feeling that were experienced at that time. It can be useful in parts during regression to discuss what experiences or emotions the client felt at that time. This can be beneficial in assisting the client understand the emotional connections within their past which have resulted in the issues or concerns they have now. Freud used



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