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Faith Unreliable and Inconsistent

Essay by   •  December 28, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,376 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,377 Views

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Faith: Unreliable and Inconsistent.

A lot of decisions today are made quickly and foolishly. People make choices on a gut instinct, coin flips, and sometimes a warm tingly feeling might decide for them as well. For the most part, a lot of what we think is knowledge is obtained from our experiences and sometimes higher authorities. To some, the belief in a higher authority is all that matters and they find that the information given from a higher confidant is reliable. The majority will fall into a blind state of a belief in a religion and a "God." Most of their choices will be based upon this, 'faith' and not question whether what they are doing is right or wrong, but do it because of their new found 'faith'. Faith is a mere illusion of what we want, and excuse we use in how to attain a such desires. Faith is a scapegoat that helps people go on with their mundane lives in order to live in what we believe, 'guilt free.' faith is not only reliable but it is more so a joke. This Ð''faith' is not a true means of knowledge for it is not based on reason, logic, or empirical date. This is why faith, is an unreliable source of knowledge.

First, to determine what is reliable, is to know what reliability is; Reliability is information that is dependable, accurate, and honest. Reliability suggests that the there is no error in the information and that the information is steady (may be applied to people). For example, reliability would be pressing the button on the crosswalk, and the light switches every time to the walking man. If the button were to be unreliable, the light may change sometimes, but not always and is thus, not dependable. We now know what reliable is, but to be clear, we must know what Ð''knowledge' really is as well. Knowledge is "facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition" ( Knowledge is basically information that is true, factual and concrete. Knowledge is information that is true with evidence to back the source, and that will not alter from experiment to experiment. Knowledge and reliability go hand in hand really. Now we must explain what is know as 'faith.' This Ð''faith' is a belief, trust or confidence in a higher being with a power ("God [s]"); belief in a god or in the doctrines or teaching of a religion.

The first flaw with using faith as a reliable source of knowledge is that faith is not based on any sort of empirical data. Faith is strictly a disillusioned relationship with a "God" who he/she itself is questionable of existence. The idea of faith is never concrete for the source of where the information itself is questionable. Authorities or higher beings with this Ð''information' also can be questioned if they are a credible source. For if the higher being doesn't exist, or is incorrect, then that would mean that the information or knowledge we receive from them would be incorrect; this meaning that the faith we have bestowed upon them should be void. Faith is also unreliable, and too much of it is contradictory. If this faith were a reliable source of information, then the information would not state one thing, then another. That shows inconsistency and that information is then not knowledge, nor reliable. If we are not certain about something, such as faith or a higher authority, we should result to the empirical data given, or just suspend judgment. However, those who believe that this so-called faith is a reliable source of information need to realize, and question whether they are believing in what they truly know is right, or whether its because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Ignorance is the same as having faith in a belief, trust or confidence in a higher being or doctrines of a religion. To have faith is the equivalent in doing something without knowing any better, and making incorrect judgments.

There are many examples as to why faith is unreliable. Just to note a few; the verse "thou shall not kill." The bible says not to kill-- period. Yet, people today slaughter animals every single day. From slaughter houses to dairy farms, to any type of animal product; tens of thousands of animals are slaughtered mercilessly every day, for human consumption. If one is to have faith in say, the bible, why is it that one of the 10 commandments is breached daily. Some might say that they are not slaughtering the animal first hand, yet the animal is getting killed for their means, and the consumer-- the one with this Ð''faith' is indirectly torturing the poor bovine, bird, pet, or bee. However, some will also argue that the verse is strictly for mankind; if something is supposed to be concrete, there should be no room for interpretation and it should strictly say "For Mankind Only."



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