Essay by review • December 21, 2010 • Essay • 1,020 Words (5 Pages) • 1,441 Views
Movement that makes the most comprehensible analysis of the current systems of oppression and evil that dehumanized us all and reaches for the most comprehensive vision of what is necessary to save our lives and our planet from the many injustices and threats that surround us
Provides only account that really gets at the root of the systems of domination
History's attempt to dismiss feminism as excessive or marginal is based on assumption that male domination is itself the constitutive framework of what is called "the human condition".
Feminism reestablishes the interconnections between all relations of domination and violence. Ennuciated the personal as political in patriarchal relations. Social structure built on subjugation of women
Shown the interconnections between patriarchy and class and racial hierarchy. With racial and class hierarchy including sexual hierarchy making women at the bottom of the whole system.
System held in place by setting subordinate groups against each other instead of uniting.
Subordinate males are depicted as sexual brutes threatening ruling class women or as over grown children who lack male status. Causes white women to split from black men, black men from black women, and black women from white women.
Establishes relationship between patriarchy and the global systems of destruction that threaten the survival of everyone on the planet: militarism and destruction of nature.
Soldier taught to identify his weapon with his sexual organ and to repress all revulsion to killing another human being as an effeminate trait that threatens to deprive him of male status, to make him a sissy or a fag.
The right of ruling class males to dominate nature and to deny their own roots in natural ecology is justified
Patriarchy provides cultural, symbolic, and psychocultural connections between ruling-class egoism, militarism and ecological destruction. Also provides the social structure that allows the rapacious use of the world's resources for the profit of the few to the impovishment of the of the many. And it directs that this empire of wealth and power be defended even to the death of the last man, woman, and child of the earth and of the planet itself.
Have the right to suspect any liberation movement that is not defined as liberation from patriarchy will not truly over throw class domination between ruling and subordinate males.
A reform or revolution not defined as emancipation from patriarchy leads inevitably to a new social order in which the former male revolutionaries set themselves up as a new ruling class. Patriarchy is once again declared the order of nature.
Church, socialist, and liberal movements. Anytime feminism is brought up as an issue and or is taken apart from original context of the movement, feminism is dismissed and accused of being bourgeois or a distraction from real issue. Women being selfish and divisionary, not part of agenda.
Internal contradictions due to patriarchy. Must establish solidarity. Instead women trying to will equality between themselves and their male colleagues. Feminism would mean women clergy, women, lawyers, women doctors, and women politicians seeking equality with male clergy etc while establishing solidarity with other women- housewives, women secretaries, or women maintenance workers. If not, like what is happening now, feminism of the elite will become the struggle of each woman in the elite for herself and consequently disavows interest in women's issues either within her own profession or in relation to the vast body of other women.
Must reject ways of dividing people against each other
Strive to communicate its criticism of patriarchy in a way that shows why it is in the self-interest of all women and most men.
Discuss disagreements in ways to lead to clear insight into antifeminism as the defensive ideology of women trapped by patriarchy