Feng Menglong
Essay by review • March 13, 2011 • Research Paper • 1,721 Words (7 Pages) • 3,790 Views
Money and the commodification of Human Relations in Feng Menglong's stories
Much of Chinese literature, as we know it today, is derived from the prolific
storytelling period of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Furthermore, during this period, the
vernacular story was particularly popular. As opposed to the more abstruse and formal
classical fiction, vernacular tales were fashioned with less rigidity and thus were often
better able to capture the more colorful and sometimes sordid details of the Chinese life
and culture of the times, such as the commoditization of human relationships that arose
with the Ming dynasty's incomparable prosperity. Feng Meng-long's works "Du Tenth
Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger," and "The Canary Murders," two stories representative of
the period, are prime examples of the way how in many instances, life became reduced to
a series of monetary transactions. Reflective of the money-centric mentality of the time,
relationships smacked of financial arrangements, and the ultimate fortunes of individual
characters were determined by their greed or, in a few noble cases, lack thereof.
Unlike in the past where, under the classical treatment, details related to money
and other distinctly non-philosophical items were glossed over or left out entirely, Feng
Meng-long and his contemporaries actively included such tidbits of information in their
writings (Stephen Owen, Anthology, 834). The story of "Du Tenth" is particularly
focused on a series of business dealings that are central to the plot development. A highly
sought-after prostitute, Du Tenth falls in love with Li Jia, a tender but timid youth, and
cunningly negotiates with her madam the price of redeeming her freedom. This exchange
begins with the madam conniving to rid Du's chambers of the now poverty-stricken Li
Jia. The madam has shed all her former good manners when she sees that Li Jia has run
out of funds to lavish upon her house. Her actions are expected from a woman used to
dealing in flesh, as she asks for three hundred taels of silver within three days, an offer
that Du Tenth coaxes her out of. "But three days is such a short time. Give him ten, and
you've got a deal" (Stephen Owen, Anthology, 839). It is unusual for a business
negotiation to be recorded in such detail in stories, much less one about a prostitute
seeking to cast off her bondage. The story continues in a similar vein, with Du and Li's
fundraising efforts explained in great detail: from their first battle of three hundred taels
with the madam, to the twenty taels given to Li to outfit himself, to the fifty taels in
traveling expenses as collected by Du's sisters, and even to the one thousand taels Li
ultimately sold Du for. The reader is spared no detail of the transactions involved, and is
constantly reminded of the difficulty of procuring these amounts of money, such as the
time when Li was unable to beg money from his relatives and stayed away from the
brothel for six days, having no face to see Du. Indeed, Du and Li's relationship prior to
their journey away from the brothel are brushed over lightly, and no concrete incidents
are spoken of at all to highlight their affections for each other, except that Li "was a big
spender and quick to say the right thing" (Stephen Owen, Anthology, 837). It is only
through the tribulations that they encounter as they try to fundraise their way out of their
impoverished circumstances that the existence of their love is made obvious at all.
With the exception of Du Tenth, no one manages to escape the rampant
materialism of the time. Even Liu Yu-Chun, the academy scholar who was later richly
rewarded for his faith in Du's intentions, started off doubtful about the true plan she had
in mind. "That mist-and-flowers woman knows you've got nowhere to go to raise that
kind of money, and is only telling you all this to put you in an impossible position"
(Stephen Owen, Anthology, 841). However, upon seeing the one hundred fifty taels of
silver that Du Tenth willingly surrendered for the sake of a clean future together with Li,
Liu Yu-Chun was moved to seek the rest of the funds on her behalf. At this point in the
story, solely on account of the silver and without any further exploration into Du's
motives, Liu has made an abrupt change in his evaluation of Du's character. Instead of
just falling short of calling her a whore like he had previously, he exclaims that "this is
truly a woman with sincere intentions Ð'... she has real feeling" (Stephen Owen, Anthology,
842). Apparently, to Liu's thinking, any woman who was able to part with such a large
amount of money without hesitation must be worthy of respect. Although his judgment of
Du's nature was ultimately correct and his actions sympathetic and generous, he was
nonetheless directed