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For Fun?

Essay by   •  February 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  794 Words (4 Pages)  •  998 Views

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Movies and TV shows today express violence, vulgar behavior, and just simply

stupidity. They are just a few of the many examples of how the media portrays how our

societies lives through the eyes of the ever wonderful boob tube. Television and movies

are most usually created to escape reality, but are now being created to mimic reality and

almost rub in our faces how crude and harsh we really are. Even though our culture warships

the television, very few realize why TV is created, to make some greedy producer rich.

And so they over exaggerate and blow things out of proportion to try to make a few


Talk shows today resemble nothing of their sister shows of the past. Instead of

trying to inform and create awareness, shows try to shock and amaze like some kind of freak

show circus. Talk shows now are more fascinated in finding out who the real father of the

baby is, or what sex is your grandma. "Shows now encourage conflict, name calling, and

fights. Producers set up under handing tricks and secret revelations. Host instruct guests to

reveal all. The more dramatic and bizarre the problems, the better." (pg. 256 Heaton and

Wilson) Ratings go up when people watch things on television that are bizarre and out of

the ordinary. What does that show you about the people who watch it, either cable is

becoming more and more affordable to just about anyone or today's population is really


Maybe today's society just isn't growing up. "Adults play children's games, read

children's books, and watch children's movies more than ever before; children, meanwhile,

surf freely through the adult world online and on TV, encountering images and ideas..." (pg.

281 Kennedy) How can children take adults seriously when adults are sitting in front of the

television watching Sponge Bob Square Pants yelling at their children to go do their

homework? I wouldn't take my mom seriously, I'd probably tell her "yea right!" "Adults try

to look younger and children try to look older, sometimes it feels as if the whole world wants

to be sixteen." (pg. 281 Kennedy) TV shows and movies are being created to target

adults who are trying to impress their children but also want to have a good time


Children now a days are being forced to grow up faster and faster. Kids at the age

of 11 are taking care of 2 years old siblings, making dinner and basically cleaning up house.

They have no time to enjoy adolescence. With children becoming parents at age 15, they

watch movies like Curious George and Chicken Little, just trying to be kids again.

Hollywood recognizes



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