Essay by review • February 14, 2011 • Essay • 744 Words (3 Pages) • 1,109 Views
When many Americans think of the Untied States' government they think of "the best government possible." I beg to differ. I believe that life could be much better in the United States. Only if there where a few things different. If there is one thing that is better than a democratic capitalism it is democratic socialism.
Democratic socialism is a system with freedom and equality for all, so that its citizens may develop to their fullest potential. Socialism is fully supportive to the constitution as it is. "We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions."
In a socialist system everyone owns the products and services that their respective company/industry produces by democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of the economy is to provide the necessities of life, including but not limited to, food, shelter, health care, education, child-care, cultural opportunities, and social services. These social services include care for the chronically ill, people with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the local, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.
Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, under-skilled and unemployed, largely along racial and gender lines, to exert pressure on those who are employed and on organized labor. The employed pay for this by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. In socialism, full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work.
Democracy is very important for socialism to work correctly. Public ownership becomes a lie if distant politicians make decisions. In socialist society power resides in worker-managed and cooperative groups. Community-based groups help provide the flexibility and innovation required in a powerful socialist economy. Workers have the right to form unions when and wherever, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions as they see fit. Children are encouraged to grow up and to choose freely the shape of their lives and work without gender and racial stereotyping. Children are provided with the care, goods and services, and support that they need, and are protected from abuse.
A socialist society carefully plans its way of life and technology to be a harmonious part of our natural environment. This planning takes place on regional, national, and international levels and covers the production of energy, the use of scarce resources, land-use planning, the prevention of pollution and the preservation of wildlife. The cleanup