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Gay Marriages Should Be Legalized

Essay by   •  February 13, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,389 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,118 Views

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Gay Marriages should be Legalized

The government says that every citizen of the United States shall receive equal rights.

Then, why did they pass the Defense of Marriage Act? The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits

the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages; in my opinion this act is unjust

and immoral because it restricts the rights of gay and lesbian citizens. Many of the reasons

offered for opposing gay marriage are based on the assumption that gays have a choice in

who they can feel attracted to, and the reality is very different. Many people actually believe

that gays could simply choose to be heterosexual if they wished. Others believe that the

act of homosexuality is selfish because homosexuals want relationships with people

that they supposedly cannot have. In reality, it has nothing to do with choice. It has to do

with true feelings and emotion towards someone else. It has to do with love.

Same-sex marriage is an important issue with gay couples and

activists in today's society. Religious, government, and social groups have debated

this issue and it is taking a long time for it to be resolved. Same-sex marriage has

some distinct facts and values important to one's religion, morals, or even what

his or her family thinks of the gay lifestyle.

One strong argument states that Marriage is an institution between

one man and one woman. This is the most popular argument, It was made clear

in a recently passed U.S. federal law. The Defense of Marriage Act, which I mentioned earlier.

Who says what marriage is to be defined by? The people who are married? The people

who are allowed to be married?? I think that if the straight community cannot give or prove a

good reason to deny the institution of marriage to gay people, then it shouldn't be denied

period. Denying marriage to gay people is an act or expression of prejudice.

One of the most contradictory arguments would be that Same-sex

marriage would threaten the institution of marriage. Let me explain why this is contradictory .

Threaten marriage? How can you threaten marriage by allowing people to marry? That is not

logical to me. If you allow gay people to marry each other, you no longer force them to marry

people to whom they feel little attraction for, with whom they most often cannot relate sexually.

You then end up reducing the number of supposed heterosexual marriages that end up in the

divorce courts. No one would require you or anyone else to participate in a gay marriage

right ? You have freedom of choice, of choosing what kind of marriage to participate in. So

why not give a gay person that choice too. I think we would be better off if we tightened the

divorce laws rather then totally prohibit a marriage. Instead of stopping people from making

bonds, why don't we stop people from breaking bonds. That makes more sense to me.

Another argument states that Marriage is for procreation.

This argument is ridiculous because people forget that while straight couples can

procreate, not all of them choose to do so. Therefore to say that gay couples are

wrong because they cannot bring life into this world makes no sense. Also there are some

straight couples who aren't able to procreate. Does this mean that they must give up

their wedding rings now? I think that this argument makes no sense because it totally

ignores the fact that straight people have procreation problems too.

On a similar note, some people argue that marriages are for ensuring

the continuation of the species. I do not think that the human species is in any real

danger of dying out through lack of procreation. If ten percent of all the human race

were to suddenly refrain from procreation, I think it is safe to say that the world would

probably be better off. One of the world's most serious problems is overpopulation .

Gays would be doing the world a favor by not bringing more lives into an already

overburdened world. (Scott Bidstrup)

Another argument says that same-sex couples aren't the optimum

environment in which to raise children. This is very interesting to me. Who does

society allow to get married and bring children into their marriage. If you think about it,

murderers, convicted felons of all sorts, even child molesters are all allowed to marry

freely and procreate, and do so every day, with hardly a second thought by these same

critics. ( Bidstrup) If children are the priority here, why is this allowed?

Many gay couples raise children, adopt children and occasionally have their own from failed

attempts at heterosexual marriages. Scientific studies have shown that the outcomes of the

children raised in the homes of gay and lesbian couples are just as good as those of straight




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