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Generation X Annotated Bibliography

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Generation X Annotated Bibliography

Generation X is getting older and with age comes market share. With Generation X moving into higher paying jobs and with little marketing directed towards them, there is little brand loyalty. Marketers should be aware of this new generation and how they feel they are portrayed in media. A better understanding of Generation X will result in media that is effective in reaching this market.

Bunker, T. (1995). Don't try to reach gen x on tv. Brandweek, 36 (20), 38.

This article describes how marketers need to use technology to target Generation X effectively. The on-line services used by Generation Xers allow marketers to directly "target their message and then build a relationship".

Codrington, G. (1998). Generation X: Who, what, why and where to. Retrieved October 2, 2004, from

This website examines the depth and history of generation X. The author details "generational theory, which is the theory that underlies the classification of people according the broad bands of birth years, and created the Generation X category". The article makes reference to Generation X's social, economic, and political positions.

Coupland, D. (1991). Generation X: Tales for and accelerated culture. New York: St. Martin's Press.

The book portrays the characteristics of people in there twenties and how they perceive the world. The author labels these people Generation X and writes about the hardships and challenges of everyday life.

Kassof, B. (1993). Talking Ð''bout whose generation. Retrieved October 1, 2004, from Bad Subjects: Political education for everyday life:

Does Generation X have a chance when "the Boomers control the bulk of disposable income in the U.S. today, and whoever controls disposable income, essentially control the culture"? The author goes into detail on how the "huge blockage" of Baby Boomers clogs the advancement of Generation Xers.

Morrison, D. (1997). Beyond the gen x label. Brandweek, 38 (11), 23-27.

Why do marketers "continue to propagate the Generation X stereotype"? The author examines the "incredible opportunity" of developing "short- and long-term benefits" by becoming brand loyal with Generation X. Generation Xers are becoming more powerful consumers because of their age and income.

Riordon, B. (1996). Spending patterns of generation x. Consumer interests annual, 42, 251-256.

The article analyzes the "socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of Generation X" and how Generation X is related to the Baby Boomer generation. The author examines the "difference in how Generation X'ers spend their money" compared to Baby Boomers.



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