Gentrification Case
Essay by imagine_juli • December 18, 2012 • Essay • 387 Words (2 Pages) • 1,089 Views
During the 1970s and_ 19805 a word disappeared from the American
vocabulary? lt was not in the speeches of politicians decrying the multi-
ple ills besetting American cities. It was not spoken by government offi-
cials responsible for administering the nation's social programs. lt was
not mentioned by journalists reporting on the rising tide of homelessness,
drugs, and violence in urban America. It was not discussed by foundation
executives and think-tank experts proposing new programs for unem-
ployed parents and unwed mothers. It was not articulated by civil rights
leaders speaking out against the persistence of racial inequality: and it
was nowhere to be found in the thousands of pages written by social
scientists on the urban underclass. The word was segregation.
Most Americans vaguely realize that urban America is still a residen-
tially segregated society,.but few appreciate the depth of black segregation
or the degree to which it is maintained by ongoing institutional arrange-
ments and contemporary individual actionsilhey view segregation as an
unfortunate holdover from a racist past, one that is fading progressively
over tirngl If ragzffesidential segregation persists, they reason, it is only
because civil rights laws passed during the 19605 have not had enough
time to Work or because many blacks still prefer to live in black neighbor-
During the 1970s and_ 19805 a word disappeared from the American
vocabulary? lt was not in the speeches of politicians decrying the multi-
ple ills besetting American cities. It was not spoken by government offi-
cials responsible for administering the nation's social programs. lt was