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Gilgamesh V. Odessius

Essay by   •  July 3, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,177 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,415 Views

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Epic poetry is lengthy poems that tell a story, usually about a character whose actions prove to be in favor of heroism. The idea behind the story typically deals in the traditions whether it is mythical or historical of a culture or nation.

Mesopotamian mythology, an ancient civilization whose history goes back before the famous Greek civilization period, has a tale of a king of Uruk named Gilgamesh, whose actions lead his people to dislike him. Through actions that spit on the gods, he experiences the death of someone close. The death then sets Gilgamesh to pursue immortality to avoid the fate of his friend. In the end, the king�s chance at immortality slips away in his moment of weakness.

In Greek mythology there is a tale of another king named Odysseus, who after a major war, sets out to return home. While on his journey he encounters situations which prolong his effort to get home. He and his shipmen must face encounters from Cyclops to Siren to even Poseidon the sea god himself! When he finally reaches home he now must face suitors who have been trying to claim Odysseus’ kingdom by marrying his wife.

Although Gilgamesh and Odysseus are both heroes in ancient literature, they use different methods to overcome their problems. The differences are only to the extent of their problem solving but extend to their character traits, their reasoning, special abilities, and even character development.

In the tale of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is an overly confident character. Because he is two-thirds god and one-third human he feels as though he is superior to others. As a result Gilgamesh treats his people in a very cruel manner. (quote here) Even though Gilgamesh starts off treating his people badly, his character begins to change through the presence of Enkidu. Much more than a sidekick or a servant, he is Gilgamesh’s soul mate, brother, and equal, even his conscience. Gilgamesh becomes more supportive of Enkidu and encourages him in various circumstances. Gilgamesh also exhibits his sensitivity when Enkidu dies. He says, “For Enkidu, for my friend, I weep like a wailing woman, howling bitterly... an evil has risen up and robbed me” (pg?). As a result of Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh also shows that he is afraid of death. At the end of the story Gilgamesh becomes wise and instills harmony in his kingdom.


Both The Odyssey and the Epic of Gilgamesh are two incredible stories written long ago. Everyone knows this but what a lot of people don’t is that these two epics share many of the same concepts. Such as the nostro (the Greek term for homecoming), xenis (guest/host relationship), oikos (household), and aganoriss (recognition). In both epics these themes are illustrated.

In The Odyssey the theme of nostro is very prevalent in this epic. Basically the whole story is based around this concept. The main character, Odysseus’ whole goal in the book is his homecoming. Along his journey he faces many challenges separating him from his home (Ithaca) and his family. The main thing that keeps Odysseus going is the thought of one day being home with his family, no matter how many setbacks he faces.

In The Epic of Gilgamesh the theme of nostro is more or less established - the only difference between the two epics is nostro is not the main focus in this one. The main character in this epic is the great and powerful King Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is not affected by the theme of homecoming until the end of the book, after his best friend Enkidu is killed by the Bull of Heaven and he goes looking for eternal life. Unfortunately he is not successful in his quest and realizes he is mortal and how important his family is and returns to Uruk to be with them.

The next theme that is incorporated into the Odyssey is the theme of xenis. This theme is also well incorporated into this epic. It seems wherever Odysseus goes he is welcomed with open arms. For example when he arrives in Scheria the home of the Phaeacians the princess Nausicaa and her handmaidens bath him and take him to the palace of king Alcinous where he



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