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Goal Statement - Education

Essay by   •  February 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,013 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,657 Views

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My Goal Statement:

Life after Coppin State College

Teachers have a very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore, as a high school teacher I want to strive to be what can be considered as, a "good teacher." A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. As part of my goal statement I plan to incorporate all of these qualities to become the teacher that I expect and want to be.

It's the year 2010, and it is my 2nd year as the Business Management teacher at Owings Mills High School. After working with the Baltimore City Public school system it became hard to deal with the hardship of providing so much without help from the school system. While there I worked on my masters in education at UMBS. I decided to stay in Baltimore and work in Baltimore County Public School System; even though there are some situations that need to be resolved it is much more manageable than with Baltimore City School System.

Here at Owings Mills High School I mostly interact with black student as well as staff. The job is very much high in demand; having evaluations and as wells as "ready lesson plans to be viewed by the department chair. I teach both 9th and 10th grade business management classes, when there are different attitudes that are shown in the classroom. With the 9th grade they are very talkative and wanting to find there place in high school, so of course they are the loudest and most annoying. While the 10th graders are still talkative but have learned there lesson from last year and are have a little more work on their mind than they had last year.

At Owing Mill High School I teach both 9th and 10th grade classes of business management course, where there are different attitudes that are shown from the different grade levels. The culture of the class is mostly black with few while students. There are more females in the classroom than males; the class size is from 25 to 30 students each class. With the 9th graders they can be loud and annoying; always wanting to be the in everything and very talkative, when all they are trying to do is find themselves. But the 9th grades can be the most influential class. Because they are new to the environment, of being in high school, I plan to give them the basics of what the subject; business is all about. By showing them the different field within it and how they can use the skills in their everyday life. And actually creating a an area where that field with come inside the classroom. Whether it be an accounting firm, and management office an administrative assistant or the many of other fields that apply with business. While the 10th graders show a little more maturity within the classroom. The 10th graders have already made a decision to pick business as a field that they are interested in. At this stage they will be focusing on a certain parts of the business field. And because of that I would prepare them for classes



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