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God’s Creation, Human Nature, and Worldview

Essay by   •  May 19, 2016  •  Essay  •  639 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,547 Views

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God’s Creation, Human Nature, and Worldview

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 reveal to us that human nature is what makes us human. We are different from animals in the way we think, feel, and act, as well as our ability to reason. Reason allows us to reflect on our nature, the nature of God and to understand God’s will for His creation. Genesis 1:26-28 states that God created humans in His own image and gave him dominion over the animals and all of the earth. Because mankind was created in God’s likeness our human nature was to reflect God’s attributes of compassion, faithfulness, truthfulness, kindness, and patience. Mankind was said to be good by a loving God in Genesis 1:31, but because of sin the attributes of God are distorted in us. Genesis 2:18 – 24 shows that God created woman for man as a companion to help him and so he would not be alone. They were to have a relationship that made them like one person.

The consequences of the fall are numerous and not only affected Adam and Eve, but every human who will ever be born. Genesis 3:7-8 tells us about two of the consequences of the fall are shame and separation. Prior to the fall, Adam and Eve lived in the garden and food was plentiful. It was there for their taking. They also shared nakedness without guilt, but now it was a source of shame. They were ashamed to face each other without clothing so they made loincloths from fig leaves. They also feared facing God and hid themselves when He came t o fellowship with them.

God said they would die the day they ate the forbidden fruit. The process of physical death began on that significant day, but they did not physically die immediately. They did go through a spiritual death, which is separation from God. They would no longer share an open fellowship with God. Genesis 3:16 states that women would suffer during childbirth with labor pains, and her relationship with her husband would change in that she would be subject to his authority and her desire would be for him. Woman and her children would also hate serpents and their offspring. Verse 17- 19 shows that man would now have to work the ground to have food to eat. He would work hard and when he died he would return to the dust of the ground from where he came. They were banished from the garden and from God’s presence in verse 24. The garden was hidden from mankind forever.

Humans have a specific purpose here



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