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Gods Kingdom

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God’s Kingdom

Charles Mauldin

Belhaven University


The Book of Matthew tells the story of the Great Commission. In Christianity, the Great Commission is the instructions that Jesus left his disciples before ascending to Heaven. Matthew 28:19-20, tells the believer that Jesus requested that his disciples ‘go and make disciples of all nations.' In making disciples, He asked that teach the non-believers how to obey His command. In that, the disciples were instructed to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, this instruction was not limited to the disciples only; but to all believers of Jesus Christ (Chung, 2015). The Great Commission is one of the most notable stories in the Bible that ‘set the stage’ on how Christians should bring non-believers to Christ (Case, 2009). The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the Great Commission and the acts of past Christians influenced today’s culture. In discussing the effects of the Great Commission, the reader will gain knowledge on how Christians today can fulfill Jesus’ instructions in the Great Commission. Examples from history will also be provided to give insight on how Christians can accomplish Jesus’ mission.

How the Past Actions of Christians Influenced Culture

Christianity, in general, is responsible for the way Christians think, act and live in today's society. One of the most important influences that Christianity has on society is that of one's moral and cultural obligations. Christians today turn to the Bible for guidance on marriage, reproducing and education. The Bible teaches against sexual intercourse except through the relationship of a husband and wife. However, as society continues to see a rise in homosexuality and children being born out of wedlock the Bible sheds insight on how God feels about these things as well. Christian holidays also dictate culture. Many of the reasons Christians celebrate holidays are based on monumental events that occurred in early-Christianity. Today, Christians celebrate these days in honor of Jesus Christ.


        There are two significant holidays that Christians recognize due to important events in early-Christianity. These holidays are the birth and resurrection of Christ; commonly known as Christmas and Easter. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Although many texts would say that Jesus was not born on the 25th of December, this is the day Christian recognize the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a time of love, fellowship, and gifts. Many people see it as a day to exchange gifts with family and friends, but the reason behind this day is much more sentimental. It is the day that the Jesus was born; for He is the reason for the season. Kwanzaa is also a cultural celebration in honor of the Savior’s birth.

 Easter is the day that Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is commonly known as Resurrection Day. It is the day that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven. Every year Easter is celebrated around late-March or early-April. The Bible states that Jesus' death and resurrection occurred during the time of the Passover. Easter Sunday is also called Palm Sunday. Good Friday and the Pentecost are days that lead up to Easter Sunday. Easter is one of the only Christian holidays that do not occur on the same day each year. While many Christians view Easter as a day to hide eggs and buy beautiful suits and dresses; this is the day that Jesus rose from the dead after only three days of being buried in His tomb (Kennedy, Newcombe, & D'Souza, 2008).


Love is one of the most prominent themes in the Bible. From the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelations, God teaches one how to love another. Many Christians view marriage as a sanctity and hold it true to their values. When God created man and woman, it was not His intent to have them be in a relationship with Him alone; but with one another. Just as Christians are created in his image and His likeness, they are also set up to find love in one another. The Book of Genesis tells the believer that God has a purpose and a plan for each marriage. There are three purposes of marriage noted in the Bible. One purpose is to reflect. Marriages are to be a reflection of God in Christianity. Genesis 1:26-27 states, ‘God created man in His image.' However, for marriages, the reflection should be that of a husband and wife. The second purpose is to reproduce. God want man and woman to reproduce in the sanctity of marriage. The Bible states that Christians are to be fruitful and multiply. The problem today; however, is that Christians are multiplying, but it is outside the confinements of marriage. The final purpose is to reign. God wants the married couple to reproduce, fill the Earth and subdue it. To reign means that God wants Christian believers to be soldiers for Him. This means He wants believers to go out and teach non-believers about Him (Kennedy, Newcombe, & D'Souza, 2008).

How Can Christians Be Faithful to the Fulfillment of the Great Commission

As discussed previously, the Great Commission was instructions given by God to His disciples to go and make disciples in the land. In doing this, it is important for Christians to be knowledgeable of the Word of God and to be baptized in His name. There are many ways that Christians can bring souls to Christ. One does not have to be a minister of God's Word to do so. It also does not require a degree. It takes belief and dedication to carry out the instructions of God. There are three important ways that Christians can make Jesus' instructions. The three ways are through evangelizing, baptizing and teaching.


Evangelizing by definition means to make disciples (Budziszewski, 2014). Evangelism can be done right at home or even on the job. Everyone knows someone who is not saved or has not accepted Christ. It can be somewhat difficult to evangelize, especially if the person is someone who is close to you such as family and friends. The Bible tells us in Luke 12:51-53 that not everyone will be receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ; however, as Christians, this is no excuse for not carrying out this task. Evangelism can come in the form of prayer. Sometimes you can just pray to God asking Him to help you find the right thing to do or say to save if only one soul. You can even pray to God asking Him to change the person's heart and mind. Evangelism can also come in the form of witnessing. By simply telling someone how God brought you through can save a soul. Often time many non-believers do not understand the word of God, but may find it easier to relate to when it is a story of truth or one that touches the heart. In church, many believers witness through song. There are several times people have cried in church because a song has touched their situation. There is no right or wrong way to evangelize (Budziszewski, 2014).



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