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Golden Ratio

Essay by   •  January 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  299 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,351 Views

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The golden ration can occur anywhere. The golden proportion is the ratio of the shorter length to the longer length which equals the ratio of the longer length to the sum of both lengths.

The golden ratio is a term used to describe proportioning in a piece. In a work of art or architecture, if one maintained a ratio of small elements to larger elements that was the same as the ratio of larger elements to the whole, the end result was pleasing to the eye.

The ratio for length to width of rectangles is 1.61803398874989484820. The numeric value is called 'phi'.

The Golden Ratio is also known as the golden rectangle. The Golden Rectangle has the property that when a square is removed a smaller rectangle of the same shape remains, a smaller square can be removed and so on, resulting in a spiral pattern.

The Golden Rectangle is a unique and important shape in mathematics. The Golden Rectangle appears in nature, music, and is often used in art and architecture. Some thing special about the golden rectangle is that the length to the width equals approximately 1.618''

Golden Ration = Length = 1.6


The golden rectangle has been discovered and used since ancient times. Our human eye perceives the golden rectangle as a beautiful geometric form. The symbol for the Golden Ratio is the Greek letter Phi.

The Fibonacci Series was discovered around 1200 A.D. Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the unusual properties of the numeric series, that's how it was named. It is not proven that Fibonacci even noticed the connection between the Golden Ratio meaning and Phi.

The Renaissance used the Golden Mean and Phi in their sculptures and paintings to achieve vast amounts balance and beauty.

The Golden Ratio in Architecture and Art

Throughout the centuries, artists have used the golden ratio in their own creations



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