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Greeks Vs Gods

Essay by   •  February 24, 2011  •  Essay  •  743 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,137 Views

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The Greeks always had a big relationship with there gods. They had good ocations with them and bad. The Greek gods were supuior then them. So they respected them. Like a kindergarten kid looks up to a high scholar. Its simple view that the Greeks had for there gods. They would have a lot of respect for them. But the gods would always ruin things for the humans. Always they would interfere. The gods would also help them. The humans although would anger the gods a lot. Which would in return would make the humans suffer. This relationship of the gods and the humans was a very different then what we think of us and GOD.

The Gods first off would infer and ruin things for the humans. For explain, in the battle of troy. The Trojan War was started by a stupid beauty contest of 3 gods. This caused the big bloody Trojan War. That is probley the biggest thing that the gods did to Greeks. Here it says in mythology, "For the most part the immortal gods were of little use to the human beings and often they were quite the reverse if useful"(Hamilton 53) Here Hamilton states that the gods weren't of much use to the humans, and that they were the reverse, meaning nothing good they did.

Now the Gods would help the Greeks. The biggest thing that the gods did was in the Odyssey. In this book the gods help Odysseus in his journey. The Great white sea goddess, Ino, helps Odysseus on his journey to Phaiacia. He is about to be smashed against the rough rocks of the island when Ino sees him and "She pitied Odysseus as he was buffeted about in this miserable way" Athena helps Odysseus all through his long journey. She constantly shows up by his side to aid him. After Odysseus finds out that many of his wife's suitors are living in his own house, he vows to punish them. Athena affirms his decision and says, "'Of course I will stand by you; I will not forget you when we are about this business'" . This shows the good relationship of the humans and the gods.

The Greeks would have a lot of respect to the gods. They would give so many rituals for them. Before feasts they would have a big offering to the gods. The reason they would do this is because, well the gods are superior then them. With this concept in the Greeks heads shows why they had so much respect for them. They would also respect them because, they gave them a lot. The Greeks think that



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