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Headphone Case

Essay by   •  September 17, 2014  •  Essay  •  213 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,051 Views

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Beats By Dr Dye, a famous brand which produces headphone line famously places a heavy emphasis on bass, which, in advertising material, Dr. Dre stated allows listeners to hear "all" of the music. The advertisement are shoot from Germany and it start from 5th of June 2014. The product categories of the Beats by Dye are headphones, earphones and speakers. The target audience of the Beats products is those who are 18 to 34 years old (tweens and generation Y), tech-savvy and fashionable people, have disposable income, those who engaged in social media, pride themselves on their tastes in music and early discover the music. To those who like to listen the good quality music, beats earphone is the best for them. Beats is the brand for young, fun, serious music listeners who want to get more out of their music. For beats, sound quality is the most important factor and that is directly related to tr feeling of being at the concert or recording studio. Furthermore, Beats by Dre has use the formula of pairing quality sound with celebrity endorsements to successfully penetrate the audio-ware market for the last three years. It is amazing to see how they went from a few headphones to making speakers for cars and computers.



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