Hegemony Case
Essay by lovebug101 • June 4, 2013 • Essay • 564 Words (3 Pages) • 1,094 Views
Hegemony is when one entity has a disproportionate amount of influence on political affairs. The predominate influence exercised by one nations over others. The theories of hegemony is an attempt to explain individuals or how dominant groups can maintain their power long-term. Antonio Gramsci devised one of the best-known accounts of hegemony. His theory defined the State by a mixture of coercion and hegemony, between which he drew distinctions. Hegemony consists of socio-political power that flows from enabling the "spontaneous consent" of the public through intellectual and moral leadership/authority. In the presence of 21st century, America is proud to hold onto the title of being the hegemony of the world today. US have taken the stand of being powerful after WW1.
The theory of Hegemonic stability explains in two 2 points, one; order in world politics is typically created by a single dominant power and two; Keohane argues that hegemony is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for the emergence of cooperative relationships. Hegemony requires that one state to be powerful enough to maintain the fundamental rules Power requires control of raw materials, markets and competitive advantages in the production of highly valued goods. Military power is necessities when being hegemony, ineffective for most policy objectives to capture and close off important areas of world political economy. Marxian Notions of Hegemony is wealth and power are complementary and contradictions on conflicts arise from undeveloped productive forces and declining rate of profit. The disaster of hegemony is a crisis of capitalism that is threatening both global and collective revolution.
Today's international system is not just built around balance of power but around American hegemony. The international security structures are a collection of American alliances. The Unites States will remain the world's military and economic superpower during the early years. During the cold war, the US built itself up a system of military bases. The collapse of the Soviet Union and evolution of communist China into a sensible strict that observed more/less normal rules of international relations, the alliance system.
China is predicted to be the next superpower towards the end of the century. China is currently a country held together by its military. The West of China is extremely poor, arid, lacking in substructure and