Essay by review • October 14, 2010 • Research Paper • 5,644 Words (23 Pages) • 1,585 Views
Agrimony strengthens the whole system, but it works chiefly on the liver. The astringent properties contract and harden tissue. It is absorbed in the system to strengthen and tone the muscles of the body and is therefore a useful tonic. It affects the cells of the kidneys, allowing fluids to pass more readily through the kidneys, so it is a useful diuretic. The astringent qualities of Agrimony help draw thorns and splinters from the skin. It has been recommended to help acidity and gastric ulcers, because it is a good, safe stomach tonic which helps in the assimilation of food. Agrimony contains vitamins B3, K, iron and niacin
Alfalfa contains health building properties. It helps assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. It is beneficial for all ailments because of its vitality and nutrient properties. And the contents are also balanced for complete absorption. Alfalfa contains chlorophyll. It is a body cleanser, infection fighter and natural deodorizer. It breaks down poisonous carbon dioxide and it is the richest land source of trace minerals. It is a very good spring tonic, it eliminates retained water, and relieves urinary and bowel problems. It helps in treating recuperative cases of narcotic and alcohol addiction. The' enzymes help to neutralize cancer in the system. Alfalfa contains a very rich supply of vitamins A, K, and D. It is also high in calcium and contains phosphorus, iron, potassium and eight essential enzymes. It is rich in trace minerals
Blackberry, when used as a tea, can dry up sinus drainage. An infusion of the unripe berries is highly esteemed for curing vomiting and loose bowels. The root contains astringent properties. The young shoots are credited with fastening loose teeth in the gums. The Indians used the root tea with success for dysentery. The Chinese believe the fruit increases the "yin principle", in addition to giving vigor to the whole body. Blackberry contains vitamins A and C. It also contains iron, calcium, riboflavin, niacin and some thiamin.
Boneset is excellent for influenza. Dr. Shook says that he has never known this herb to fail in overcoming influenza. Boneset tea was one of the most common home remedies in the last century. The Indians used it to reduce fever, to relieve body pain and for colds. It was given the name of "Break-bone fever" because of the pain influenza caused that felt like breaking bones. It is a mild tonic and very useful in the indigestion of old people. Boneset contains vitamin C, calcium, some PABA, and also contains magnesium and potassium.
Caraway is a powerful antiseptic which is especially useful in relieving toothaches. It is similar to Anise. The two oils are highly recommended for the same purposes. Caraway is very useful when mixed with other herbs, for it helps to correct or modify the action of purgatives such as Mandrake and Culver's Root. When applied locally to the skin, it acts as an anesthetic. It helps prevent fermentation in the stomach, and to help settle the stomach after taking nauseous medicines. It Is useful for all stomach problems, encourages menstruation and the flow of milk, is good for uterine cramps, mucus in the lungs and intestinal gas in infants. Caraway contains the B-complex vitamin. It is high in calcium and potassium, but also contains smaller amounts of magnesium, lead, .silicon, zinc, some iodine, copper, cobalt, and iron.
Catnip has been called natures "Alka-Seltzer." The Indians used it for infant colic, but it also has a sedative effect on the nervous system. It is useful for many ailments: for aJi cases of fevers for its action in inducing sleep and in producing perspiration without increasing heat in the body. In children it is said to speedily overcome convulsions. It is also good for restlessness and colic and as a pain killer, especially for small children and infants. It has been known to help prevent a cold when drinking a warm infusion when you notice the first symptom. It helps in fatigue and improves circulation. It is said to help to prevent miscarriages and premature births. It helps in aches and pain due to flu and upset stomach and diarrhea associated with flu. Catnip is high in vitamins A and C, and the B-complex vitamin. It contains magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, and has a trace of sulfur
The seeds and stems of Celery have been used in Australia as an acid neutralizer. It should be cooked with milk and eaten freely to neutralize uric acid and other excess acids in the body, thus aiding in the treatment of rheumatism. Celery is useful for headaches when taken as a tea. It produces perspiration and is useful for nervousness. It has a stimulating effect on the kidneys, producing an increased flow of urine. Celery contains vitamins A, B, and C and has lots of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. It also contains smaller amounts of sulfur, silicon, and magnesium
ntaury is useful during a slow convalescence by promoting appetite and strengthening the digestive system. It purifies the blood and is an excellent tonic. It is good in muscular rheumatism and strengthens the bladder of the elderly. This herb helps prevent bed-wetting. It regulates the gall bladder, and is known as a preventive in all periodic febrile diseases, dyspepsia, and recovery from fevers. It has a healing effect on wounds. Centaury acts as a diffusive stimulating tonic to the heart, stomach, liver, generative organs and the nervous system.