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Essay by   •  February 8, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,234 Words (5 Pages)  •  970 Views

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Heroism, then and now. When I say then and now I mean in the early hundreds to before Christ was born, I'm talking Anglo-Saxon time, I'm talking Celtic, early roman days in great Britain. Before there were superstars and all these talks of these fictional comic book characters there were heroes. Now when I say the word hero or when people hear it now days the first thought that comes to mind are superman, and batman, but no, those aren't heroes. What your going to read today is the difference of heroes then and now, yes there's a big difference, I know your thinking all heroes are the same, they save the day right? Wrong, not only do they save the day but they do so much more.

Back in the day, around 450 BC, in the middle of the fifth century Anglo-Saxons from Germany invaded Britain. They took over and became the population in Britain, now Anglo's were warriors, they could fight and would fight for there kings and people. What would they fight? People? Ghost? No, their heroes fought monsters, man eating, animal killing, and crazy gigantic monsters. You don't believe in monsters do you? Well back then they were as real as the spiders in your room. Mostly all the Anglo's heroes were man, for women did not have the abilities to do that, it was just something they didn't do. Honesty, bravery, trust, loyalty and fate, that's what it was all about for the Anglo's. They believe in equal fights between them and their evil enemy that they were facing. For example, say a hero was going against a monster, which carried no weapon, then that hero or the person taking on that monster would carry no weapon, it was only fair and that's how it was. They had armor because they needed it, they were man shirts, very protected and well suited for fights. Sometimes battles between the monsters would last days, for it was not over until one or the other was dead. After the fight was over the killer of the monster was a hero. Look at the story of Beowulf, how he defeated grindel and his mom, he was truly a hero, this guy was loyal and the techniques he used to defeat grindel were very nice. People were loyal to king Beowulf, he was e true hero.

The Celtic heroes were all mixed up in emotions to me, I mean some of the heroes were women, yes women, they lead their troops through battles and won fights jus as well as the men did. The women were honored and respected highly among the town's people for what he or she had done or accomplished. The Celtic battles were filled with adventures and love affairs that all took place at the same time, I mean they were in imaginary worlds with all kinds of creatures. No matter how much blood was involved there was always love and happiness in the stories of there heroes.

Now days in the year two thousand and five a hero could be anyone or anybody. The world has gone completely nuts with this hero thing, a hero is like a leader, someone who could lead troops, someone who made a good example for their people. Beowulf and king Arthur were heroes, not any rock star. Don't get me wrong there were some heroes in our time, you know like martin Luther king jr, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, me. Those people led there people, they fought for what was right to them and what the believed in. its sad to say that as of rite now, there are no heroes in the world, none. Young teenagers look superstars and famous people as heroes, but there not. What have they done beside make you feel all tingly inside? They aren't loyal at all, you can't trust them, and it's too bad that those are the kind of people we look up to know. Anglo's and Celtics had something to fight for, they were leading for a reason and they were well respected and love and everyone followed them, not just one section like it is now days. A hero know could do something evil, have an evil mind, hurt someone and still be considered a hero, there's a line between good and bad that is being excepted. In the



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