Essay by review • December 27, 2010 • Study Guide • 408 Words (2 Pages) • 972 Views
Monday, Sept. 10
Objectives: Read & interpret the autobiography, express understanding through critical & creative writing, science, and art, & understand and use new words.
Content Standard & Benchmarks: Standard One: Students read, comprehend, & respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes. Benchmarks: ELA-1-H1 & ELA-1-H3
Activity: 1) Continuing reading & taking notes on Autobiography pages 84-94
2) Complete & check vocabulary worksheet
Assignment/Homework: 1) Study for Edwards & Franklin test on Wed. 9/12
2) Answer Gatsby questions chapter 9 by 9/11
3) Work on narrative due Fri. 9/14
Tuesday, Sept 11
Objectives: Identify, discuss, review, & correct chapter questions for Gatsby
Content Standard &
Benchmarks: Standard One: Students read, comprehend, & respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes. ELA-1-H3
Activity: Review Great Gatsby Chapter 9
Assignment/Homework: 1) Study for Edwards & Franklin test on Wed. 9/12
2) Study for Gatsby test Mon. 9/17
3) Work on narrative due Fri. 9/14
Wed., Sept 12
Objectives: Evaluate knowledge of notes on the Jonathan Edwards' Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God & Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography
Content Standard &
Benchmarks: Standard Seven: Students apply reasoning and problem solving skills to reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing. Benchmark: ELA-7-H1
Activity: Test on Jonathan Edwards & Benjamin Franklin
Assignment/Homework: 1) Study for Gatsby test Mon. 9/17