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Essay by   •  December 30, 2010  •  Essay  •  667 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,025 Views

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Good afternoon class. Michael has already discussed the reasons why Australia's involvement in the Iraq war is immoral. concerning the unprincipled reasons for invading Iraq in 2003. The fact that Australia followed the United States into Iraq can not be changed, but pulling Australia's forces out of Iraq as soon as possible should be the next vitally important step that Prime Minister Howard makes, in an effort to demonstrate on a global scale that Australia is not a shallow, greedy nation like the USA.

I will show you many valid reasons why Australia's involvement in the Iraq war should be terminated, and I will also explain why Australia should never have been involved in conflict in the first place.

The first reason revolves around the phenomenon that has provoked a global mass hysteria, terrorism. Terrorism has two main themes in this context I would like to explore with you. One of these is that the one main reason which the Iraq war was initiated: it was initiated because of alleged links between al-Qaeda and Sadam Hussein, and the other is the fact that Howard's decision to engage in war is now almost certainly be putting innocent Australian lives at risk.

The war on terror which began after the September 11 attacks on United States territory sparked mass hysteria which as led to the invasion of countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, the home, according to George W. Bush's administration, of many terrorist organizations. There is considerable evidence to show that Afghanistan was indeed the home to many terrorists, but Iraq was a different story all together. The Weapons of Mass Destruction and the alleged ties to al-Qaeda were simply fabrications designed by the USA to gather public opinion allowing George Bush to invade Iraq, in an underhand move to tackle the oil supplies which Iraq owns. The fact that Australia blindly followed Uncle Sam into foreign territory for a second time, after the Vietnam War, clearly displays the willingness of Australians to destroy the global opinion of this country as a proud nation with high morals.

The fact that Australia was one of the first nations to ally with the USA to invade Iraq without legitimate reasoning is also a big problem which the nation will have to face up to in the near future. Australia's readiness to follow America into Iraq has displayed to the world that this country can be closely compared to the greedy and malicious nature of the USA. If Australia is compared to a nation such as America, there is nothing to stop a terrorist attack on Australian soil. Already, two direct attacks on Australians have occurred in Bali, where 92



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