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Homeopathic Therapy - Survey of Alternative Medicine

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Survey of Alternative Medicine

October 8, 2003

Homoeopathy is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's Law of Cure, or the saying 'Like Cures Like'. Discovered by a German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, and has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 years. Homoeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. Homoeopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body's own healing power.

Why should it be the first choice? Well first it is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure to most ailments, treating the disease from its roots deep inside the body. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially by just treating the symptoms but heals the patient from within.

Disease affects the mind and body, your individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the inner level is the cause of illness. Different medicines for different ailments are not the way of homoeopathy but to find one single remedy for the whole body. Homoeopathy believes in holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach. It is with this single dose prepared from sources such as vegetables, animal, minerals, chemicals, all non toxic and absolutely harmless. They concentrate on influencing the body's energy.

These remedies are safe for adults, infants and children with no side affects.

Homoeopathy is not against surgery. There are some diseases that are only cured with surgery. However, Homeopathic remedies may be considered so that some surgery can be avoided. It can also be helpful in psychosomatic illnesses and not harm the individual in the process.

But the most important factor of Homeopathic therapy is that it is not a quick system, so that treatment must be researched and detected early as it is during this time that this kind of treatment does its best work. Coming late to Homeopathic therapy the disease may have reached an incurable stage.

Although Homeopathy has been in existence for 200 years, it seems to be the exciting new therapy for the 21st century. It can help us when other cures are not available or are not affordable. It is something that should not be ignored and we all should become aware of the possible help it can be in saving and extending our lives. Starting your research by reading the following information will not only help yourself, but all the ones you know and love, when you need to lend a hand.

History of Homeopathy

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, founded homeopathy in between the years of 1790 and 1810. Dr Hahnemann was discouraged with treatments for medical conditions in those times. Some of those treatments included purging, bloodletting, leaching and the use of toxic chemicals. "Medicines made from mercury, lead, arsenic, and various strong herbs were used to help purge the body of foreign disease-causing matter." (A condensed History of Homeopathy). "The first U.S. president, George Washington died from a throat infection in 1799 after being drained of nine pints of blood within 24 hours." (The Ancient Art of Bloodletting). Many of the treatments did more harm than good, so Dr. Hahnemann looked into the writings of William Cullen who was a renowned physician than. Some of the contributors to the study of homeopathy are as follows:

* 1755 - 1799 Christopher Ellithorp, scholar and historian of homeopathy and guardian of this Timeline's historical accuracy.

* 1755- 1799 Luc de Schepper is the author of the book Hahnemann Revisted.

* 1764 - 1845 George A.H. Muhlenbein, "The Apostle of Homeopathy" in Northern Germany.

* 1765 - 1854 Matthius Marenzeller, the first to profess the doctrine of homeopathy in Austria. In 1828, by order of the emperor, he conducted the first homeopathic experiments at the Garrison Hospital in Vienna.

* 1773 - 1852 Joseph Mueller, the pioneer homeopath in Hungary.

* 1784 - 1849 Moritz Muller, prover of Dulcamara. A founder of the first homeopathic Journal, Archiv fur der Homoopathischen Heilkunst, 1822.

* 1785 - 1864 Clemens M. F. von Boenninghausen

developer of the first homeopathic repertory, "The Repertory of the Anti-Psoric Remedies", author of "The Therapeutic Pocket Book"

* 1787 - 1840 Hans Burch Gram, MD, first homeopath in United States

* 1787 - 1860 Johann Stapf, MD, one of Hahnemann's Prover's Union, first convert to homeopathy 7 - 1849 Caspar Jenischen, developer of the first high potencies.

* 1793 - 1834 Christian Gottlob Hornburg, one of Hahnemann's earliest disciples and prover of Causticum; first to cure pleurisy and pneumonia with Aconite.

* 1793 - 1843 Ernst Ferdinand Rueckert. Assisted Hahnemann as prover of Dulcamra, Aconite, etc. With Lux, he may be considered founder of veterinary homeopathy.

* 1794 - 1887 Henry Detwiller, a founder of The Allentown Academy and pioneer homeopath. He gave the first prescription of a homeopathic medicine in Pennsylvania.

Homeopathy today is used to treat acute and chronic conditions and is practiced

by MD's, Chiropractors, dental surgeons, veterinarians and pediatricians. There is an abundant amount of information on the Internet on how to locate a Homeopathic physician and the different treatments that may be prescribed. Homeopathic medicines can also be found in health food stores and prescribed by physicians.

Philosophy of Homeopathy

"Hahnemann lays out the principles of homeopathy in his work The Organon of

the Rational Healing Art. Homeopathy was defined by Hahnemann and must be practiced according to the principles he described". (A Philosophy of Homeopathy) These are:

1. The law of similars, or similia similibus curantur. The sick are most easily, mildly, and permanently cured by the most similar medicine. For example, podophylum causes and cures diarrhea. This principle is established by treatment and not hypothesis. Homeopathy is the only system of medicine where all treatment is lawful.

2. The



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