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Homosexuality Tolerance in Usa

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Homosexuality Tolerance in the U.S.:

The 6 Common Viewpoints and Medical Pathology Perspective

I decided to do my research on the topic of homosexual tolerance in the U.S. This issue is continually being forced upon us in our society, whether the direction is coming from politics, educational institutions, religion, news media or the entertainment industry. There are forces on both sides of the issue, with an agenda, that are continually brought to the forefront daily. The main aspect of tolerance that is being wrestled with in the U.S. is whether homosexuals should be given equal rights when it comes to the definition of marriage in our country. The homosexual tolerance movement is also trying to be held up as the new civil rights movement. In my research on the topic I have attempted to look at this subject from several different positions. I have learned that there is generally six different viewpoints, of which, most everybody's view on homosexuality fall into. I also thought it was most imperative to bring in the medical perspective, as this issue has deep inroads in medical science.

Before we go further into the research on homosexuality, we must first define what homosexual means. Upon doing my research on homosexuality, I discovered that it is a gray area on when to classify someone as a homosexual. Does having sexual thoughts about a person of the same sex, or having homosexual sex with the same gender make a person a homosexual? For the sake of this research, I am going to use the definition listed on the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary (

Homosexuality: 1: the quality or state of being homosexual 2: erotic activity with another of the same sex.

The topic of homosexuality is nothing new under the sun. It has probably always been there since homosaphiens have walked this Earth. The homosexual lifestyle for the most part, has been looked down upon during history. Here in the U.S. it never was really acceptable, and even today, everyone would probably be in agreement that it still is not acceptable. There have been many people in the U.S. who were raised without ever being exposed to the homosexual issue, much less known somebody who was gay. My grandmother, who lived in Los Angeles County, California (during early 1950's), was in her early 30's before she even knew that there was such a thing as a homosexual. And after being initially told about them, she was reluctant to believe it. I have heard stories from older generations, that if a homosexual gathering location were discovered, the police would go in and shut them down. These places were often called "glory holes". Also in the earlier part of the 20th century in the U.S. people caught performing homosexual acts would be brought up on "moral" charges. Things have vastly changed since then, in fact most of the 50 states in the U.S. have removed sodomy laws from the books. Now the U.S. is very much divided on this issue.

The Six Viewpoints on Homosexuality & Bisexuality

There are currently believed to be six common viewpoints that most U.S. citizens have on this subject. Both sides of the table on this issue seem to be in agreement in regards to these six viewpoints. (B.A. Robinson 2004) These six viewpoint categories are:

1.Abomination - This is the most conservative position. Homosexual behavior is to be condemned under all circumstances. Throughout the Bible, there are passages that denounce it as a crime against God, nature and society. Homosexuals are driven by lust and are incapable of entering into a loving non-exploitive relationship. This position is the historical position of the majority of Christian faith, and this has been taught in churches for many centuries. However, in recent decades, liberal and some mainline Christians have deviated from this stance.

2.Change is expected - This viewpoint teaches that homosexuality is a product of a sinful world, and ultimately the result of the original sin of the original parents in the Garden of Eden. This viewpoint emphasizes that gay and lesbian people can be cured of their sickness and converted to heterosexuality by means of prayer and therapy.

3.Celibacy is expected - This position recognizes that adult sexual orientation is fixed in most cases. The subscribers of this viewpoint often feel that homosexuals cannot change and God expects a celibate lifestyle without a partner.

4.Marginally acceptable - This viewpoint attributes homosexuality to the worlds fallen condition. They view homosexuality as a psychosexual disability, which the victim must try to overcome. If they are unable to change, and unable to enter a celibate lifestyle, then the least of all evils would be to enter into a monogamous, long term, same-sex relationship. They however still view this as a very desirable option, but it would be better than a single homosexual lifestyle.

5.Equality - This perspective views equal status and rights as the main goal. They believe that homosexuals are capable of entering a loving, committed same-sex relationship that is equal to heterosexual relationships. They feel that justice will only be achieved by equal rights for persons of all sexual orientations, including the right to marriage.

6.Liberation - This is the most liberal and radical of all the viewpoints. People who hold this position view homosexuality as equal, if not superior to heterosexuality. They view the Bible as a tool used to condemn homosexuality and it was written to serve a scientifically illiterate, patriarchal, and controlling culture. Human sexual expression is primarily to generate joy, love and emotional growth. In rare instances, the prime function is to create new life. Homophobia is the only truly evil from this stance. Homosexuals and bisexuals have the special task of liberating the church so that it may embrace the erotic as a foundational part of everyone's life and a pathway to spirituality.

As the spectrum of viewpoints demonstrates, one of the key features of all viewpoints is religion. Religion often has viewpoints on many things in society. The main religious voice in the U.S. would be that of a Judeo-Christian background. And the majority of Judeo-Christian stance on this issue is opposition to homosexual tolerance. Personally, I was raised in a Christian atmosphere and these values have guided many of my views of the world. However, for this research paper, I felt I needed to attempt stepping out from behind the Judeo-Christian values to see this issue more clearly. My only method of doing so was to look at homosexuality from a more logical and scientific manner. Scientifically meaning from a medical perspective.

Logic and



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