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How Does Mass Media Effect Self-Image?

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Cassandra Empson

Professor Schaeffer

English 101

January 30, 2011

How Does Mass Media Effect Self-Image?


Turn the TV to any channel, walk into any store and you are going to see an advertisement proclaiming life could and would be much better if you were thinner, had thicker hair or smelled like a rock star. In today's society women are under a ton of pressure to have the fittest, skinniest, tannest body ever. This is under scrutiny because while some American's are overweight, mass media drives the image of a super thin, tall, tan, all American woman. Mass Media not only affects its consumers by making them self-conscience, it is also allowed because of the Freedom of speech.

Argument One

Sad as it may be, younger and younger girls are under more pressure than ever to be smaller. "A recent Wall Street Journal survey of students in four Chicago-area schools found that more than half the fourth-grade girls were dieting and three-quarters felt they were overweight. (Kilbourne) America's youth are not the only ones affected by this super thin ideal body. "Most teenagers are sensitive to peer pressure and find it difficult to resist or even question the dominant cultural messages perpetuated and reinforced by the media."(Kilbourne) What children and teens hear and see from their parents plays an important role in how they feel about themselves as well. "Talk with your children about their self-image and, as you promote healthy habits and beliefs, you will help them overcome the media and peer influences."(Langholt) As an adult you are not immune to the Medias forcefulness of advertisement pressuring you to be skinnier, have less wrinkles, a smaller nose, or no grey hair. A recent study at the University of Connecticut also shows undergraduates that are unhappy with their bodies and view advertisements of tiny models are twice as likely to "exhibit increases in body dissatisfaction, negative mood, levels of depression and lowered self-esteem."(Nauert)

Argument Two

Mass media has provided us with great exposure to the outside world. Internet, television, and radio media advertisements increase the overall awareness to the American people. Media has enhanced our general knowledge by bringing us news from all over the world. Thanks to computers we are now able to access a wide range of information. Pretty much everything can be looked up online. "The recent advent of



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