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How to Attract Attention

Essay by   •  February 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  331 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,130 Views

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For most people, a carÐ'Ѓfs primary use is just to get them from point A to point B, but mine is to get there in the fastest possible time as well as attempting to attract as much attention as I can from everyone who turns their head towards me. There are many different ways to achieve this goal; itÐ'Ѓfs all about what my audience is into. One of the greatest feelings for me is when I roll up to a crowded spot and everyone is looking at me and my car. There are a couple of different techniques that I use to attract attention. First off is my stereo system; I have invested over five thousand dollars into my stereo and people can hear my truckÐ'Ѓfs music from miles away. I also have extremely loud exhaust, which is another unique sound that people can hear coming from a good distance away. Another head-turner is when people can see the electric blue pearl paint job shimmer off all sides of my car. This color that I chose is a rare color that stands out amongst the Ð'ЃgregularÐ'Ѓh cars that drive alongside me.

If the paint job, stereo system, or loud exhaust doesnÐ'Ѓft do the trick, I pull a little stunt called a brake stand. I put the car in park, slightly press on the brake and give it some gas. If done correctly a huge cloud of smoke will arise from my burning tires. In the extremely rare event that people still are not looking, I have three giant air horns mounted in my engine compartment that are audible from over a mile away. If you are standing close enough, you can feel the hair rise on the back of your neck when I hit the horns. I take a great deal of pride in the work that I do on my truck, and for that reason, I want people to notice and admire it just as much as I do.



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