Human Cloning
Essay by dfrancis • March 2, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,163 Words (5 Pages) • 1,341 Views
Human Cloning
Human cloning is the practice of making a genetically exact copy of a human being. This practice may seem good in science to save humans but human cloning is not exactly a good thing. Human cloning has many negative sides to it and can have many horrible effects. This practice should not be studied or used on any human being and is completely unethical.
When it comes to all the negative sides on the subject there are many things that can go wrong, like birth defects. Many of the offspring that have been produced through cloning have had many birth defects; including weak immune systems, tumor growth, and in some cases early death. In a study 12 male mice were cloned and after 800 days 83% of the mice had died an early unexpected death. The first mouse was dead after only 311 astonishing days. The mice that died showed high rates of pneumonia, liver disease, cancer, and an immune system defects. Human cloning has been tried but has never been a success. If human cloning was a success the cloned human may have the same birth defects and problems as the mice. These cloned humans would be dead after only 800 days, that means that at 2 years and 88 days old the child would die. Why put the family of this child through this? The emotional stress and damage that this family would go through would be unbearable.
Animal extinction is becoming a very big issue in today’s world, and many species as we know it are becoming extinct and may be gone in the near future. Through cloning many of these animals could be saved and cloned to keep them from going extinct. Though this sounds like a good idea, it may not be. If many of these animals are cloned over and over they would all have the same DNA. Viruses would be able to attack and kill off this species of animal due to the fact that all of the DNA of the animals would be same. This would cause extreme famine across the world. People are already starving around the world and this would make conditions even worse. The intentions of animal cloning are great but the outcome would be terrible.
Cloning is not an easy process and not a very successful one either. When cloning an animal the success rate is less than 10 percent. When a sheep was cloned only 1 out of 277 eggs produced the clone which was named Dolly. That is approximately a .004 percent succession. In humans the success rate might be even less and the cost to clone a human would be around 1.7 million dollars. Why pay around 1.7 million dollars for something that has only a 10 percent rate of succession? The money used to make a clone could go toward other research like cancer and that would help many other people.
When you clone a human it is possible to choose certain genes and traits to genetically engineer into the human. This means you could genetically engineer a ‘perfect human’ to do whatever you want it to do. You could make the person have blue eyes or blonde hair or whatever you want it to be. When you do this it is not right because you are messing with something that should be out of your hands, it is completely unethical. It is completely unethical because you are basically making a child and picking what you want in the child when you are supposed to have a natural child. This child would basically be a genetically exact copy of you but could look the exact opposite of you. This is wrong and shouldn’t be practiced.
When you clone humans many times the DNA of the humans would all be the same. If this happens the same effect would happen if we cloned all the animals, extinction. If we cloned humans over many time to where we all had the same DNA and great disease struck the population the possibility for mass extinction could be a possible outcome. If humans became extinct we may have to start life all over again. That would mean the end of mankind which certainly no one wants to happen. The same thing might happen to animals and all of life would have to restart and the earth would be barren for billions of years.
Many people around the world get sick and are in hospitals every year. Many of these people need replaced organs or bone marrow to survive but they cannot find a perfect match to replace that organ or bone marrow. Through human cloning the people can make an exact copy of the person to use their organ so they can survive. This may seem all