Essay by review • February 12, 2011 • Research Paper • 552 Words (3 Pages) • 1,003 Views
I Believe in Winning
When people think of winning, they think of money, for example gambling and betting. I asked a friend what he thought the definition of winning was, and he said "To be successful". The definition the dictionary gives is "be successful over others; get victory or success". To me winning is to achieve, be it either a goal or a bet, it's to triumph.
Cesar Estrada Chavez, a enigmatic leader who fought for the constitutional rights of farm workers everywhere during his lifetime. He grew up as a farm worker, and as an adult joined many organizations such as CSO, (Community Services Organization), a Latino Civil Rights group, and UFWOC, (United Farm Workers Organizing Committee). He used strikes and nationwide boycotts to win recognition and contracts from California farmers. For example, during the 1970s, his protests helped earn higher wages for the farm workers. He had won; now farm workers everywhere are not underpaid and overworked.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a charismatic preacher who fought for the privileges of African Americans throughout the United States. He joined with many African American leaders to accomplish his goals, such as Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. King promoted his passive tactics, such as the major march that occurred in Washington DC (1963). It was at the Lincoln Memorial where he would recite his "I Have a Dream" speech. Its masterfully crafted words persuaded many listening to move for change. Now, African Americans can go to public schools with other ethnicities, have high paying jobs, and attend public restaurants. Though it was constitutional to separate blacks and whites as long as they had equal conditions, this was not happening. Blacks were situated in the worst schools, lodging and transportation whereas the whites were fine. King sealed the loophole in the constitution to grant blacks true equal rights. He had won.
There were many problems that affected the nation. Because of that there were leaders in the past who had it in them to fight for what was right. Now another problem is occurring that is affecting everyone across the United States; illegal immigrants. The government is saying that all illegal immigrants are criminals. Many citizens believe it, and they think the illegal aliens should be sent back across the border.
George Bush, President of the U.S. made a public