Impacts of Biotech
Essay by ameliaaa_v • December 6, 2017 • Research Paper • 865 Words (4 Pages) • 1,052 Views
Modern-day genetic engineering has allowed scientists to manipulate organisms for the benefit of society as a whole. This is a very controversial topic throughout the world, because many people believe it is unsafe to use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in everyday life. Does the use of agricultural biotechnology pose a threat to the natural world?
A genetically modified crop is a plant species which has a combination of natural genetic material and genetic material obtained by the methods of biotechnology. Most of time GMOs are created in hopes of fixing a problem such as pest resistance.
In the first step, a specific trait is acquired. This step usually involves luck and wit. While scientists are looking for these specific traits, they will often look for organisms with natural traits that are similar to the one they are trying to acquire.
Once this process is complete, the new organisms must be put to the test to determine if they can grow and reproduce. Special climate control chambers are used to grow them in the beginning. They are checked by hand and carefully measured. Once they are released to farmers, the farmers are given specific instructions to produce the best possible crop yields.
biotechnology is the “the manipulation (as through genetic engineering) of living organisms or their components to produce useful usually commercial products.” GMOs can date back to the year 1492, when European settlers adapted corn to fit their specific growing conditions. From there, the use of GMOs have surged in the agricultural field.
The use of bioengineered crops in developing countries can help fix many of the societal issues that persist within them. biotechnology in agriculture will have benefits in developing countries, allowing them to meet their full potential.
Using biotechnology in agriculture can also have direct consumer benefits. Specific methods of biotechnology can be used to increase the nutritional value of food.roughly 140 million children throughout the world are deficient in Vitamin A. But, researchers have since used the methods of biotechnology to help combat this problem in the form of Golden Rice, which was genetically modified to have more Vitamin A than normal rice.
About 37% of the world’s land is used for agriculture, Much of the land cannot be used because of environmental factors which severely limits the amount of produce created on a global scale. creating crops that can withstand various types of weather. This company watered their genetically modified tobacco plants with saltwater, then they continued to grow the crops under normal conditions, finding that only the genetically modified organisms could continue to grow successfully. This shows that crops can be modified to fit specific environmental needs, and ultimately, help produce crops in a world where climate change and a diverse landscape pose many problems in agriculture.
Genetically modified crops can be used to increase the capacity of crop yields. In a society where nutritional needs are skyrocketing, the agricultural industry has needed to increase the production of crops. Scientists modified three genes in tobacco plants with the intent of increasing the amounts of proteins that