Important Things
Essay by kittycats05 • January 7, 2015 • Essay • 1,284 Words (6 Pages) • 1,681 Views
Throughout my sixteen years of life, I've learned few important things. All of the things I have learned came from my own experiences. I personally believe that everyone should know and try to follow what I have learned. Sometimes, this world can be a terrible place with terrible people; however, with these key points in mind, it makes your life on this world not as bad it might seem.
My first key point I want to share with you is to have hope. The definition of hope to me is Jesus Christ. Through reading the Bible and having hope in Christ gave me something to live for, which in this case is eternal life. For me, through the bad or good times, I try to rely on Him and live for Him because Christ died for me. By having hope, it can change your perspectives on a lot of things and it also gives your life a purpose.
Next few things I want to point out are don't try to be popular and don't impress others. Next time you catch yourself wanting to become popular and doing things to impress others, ask yourself this question: Will impressing others and being popular really matter in ten years? In ten years, no one will care if you were popular or not and the people you tried impressing probably either don't remember you or don't remember you impressing them at all. Why waste your time trying to be popular and impress others when you can actually do something that will actually matter in ten years?
Follow your dreams and do not give up. You probably heard these cliché phrases several of times, but I have learned that these are actually valid and important. If you have a dream, chase it and don't stop until you conquer it. I have learned these lessons recently. In fact, I actually learned two days ago. Ever since my freshman year, I had this dream to start a club at my school that will not only teach the students to learn to be selfless but also to help other people in need. My first club idea that I came up with was a Make-A-Wish that fundraised for this organization. However, after finding out that this club has been established over this summer made me frustrated want to give up. However, I didn't and I thought for a long time for an idea and I came up with one called "Be Aware" which is a club that doesn't target and fundraise for only one awareness/organization but instead different awareness/organizations every month! Following your dreams might not be simple. You might have obstacles that might make you give up but don't. If I have given up, I would not have earned the privilege to be labeled as the President of Be Aware here at Lambert.
If you don't have any idea what you want to do in the future, don't stress out. If you don't know where you want to go for college, or what you want to be after you graduate college then that's okay. For me, I had the longest time worrying and stressing over my future. I admit, not knowing what you want to be can be very stressful and frustrating. The good news is that when the time comes, you will know. This time might be soon like in your teenage years, or it might also be really late and that is also okay. Recently, I have got few ideas on what I want to become. I have learned that I want to be in the military field. Now, when I told few people that I want to be in the military, some people made negative comments. "You? Be in the military? Pfft, you probably can't even survive a day!" "Really? I definitely cannot see you in the military". I try my best not to get them get to me and affect my dreams. In fact, these negative comments make me want to work towards my goal even harder just to prove them wrong. I guess what I am trying to tell you are that it's okay if you don't know what you want to do or become in your future and don't let other people's opinion change you or the path you want to take in your life. After all, it is your life; not theirs.
Never, ever rely on others for your happiness. If you do, you will never be happy. By now you have probably know that people come and go. Your best friend right now may be your enemy next month. The boy or girl you may be talking every day and