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Industrial Health and Safety

Essay by   •  January 9, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,388 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,232 Views

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• Sub section 4 08

Reference 10


TO : The Chief Executive Officer

FROM : The Manager, Human Resources Department

SUBJECT : Occupational Health and Safety,

Cargo and Container Handling Company (pvt) Ltd

DATE : 1st December, 2015


For a better transparency of your request i would like to divide it to four main subsections where the main problems are lies with and like to bring out a detailed report about the same hereafter.

The sub-sections will be,

1. Health and Safety Hazards of the organization

2. Factors which are likely to cause occupational diseases

3. Improvements required to the internal and external environment

4. A re-arranged ,suitable benefits and services package

Sub Section – 1

Health and safety hazards of the Organization.

Since me and my team has comes out with several health and safety hazards of our organization premises, i would like to bring those to your kind notice here with.

Health Hazards

• The drainage system of the premises is not well maintained. In the rainy season whole premises becomes a water lodged area which creates a good grounds for mosquitoes to breed.

• Macadamized floor ground area releasing dust to the air heavily specially when the vehicles are moving inside the premises. The polluted air with dust can cause cough, flu, and also some sever deceases such as asthma, lung cancers etc.

• The uniforms of the workers are supposed to washed regularly. Due to the cleanliness issues, some employees are suffering from minor rashes and the likelihood to spread those rashes among employees is very high.

• The working areas of painters and cleaners are much confined but the company have not taken any action to ensure the proper ventilation.

• Not having a canteen facility, having not enough drinking water may affect directly to the health of the employees and it may be the reason for some organizational deceases such as diarrheal diseases which has reported several times.

• The shift work policy currently functioning has created de motivation among the staff, creating a low morale since some of the workers has to work two continuous shifts.

Safety Hazards

• the wiring thorough of the company premises is not up to the standards where as some instances we have observes the wires with live electricity just hanging without properly fixed.

• The lighting of the premises is very poor where as the distance between two light posts are too long. This may cause many accidents at the night times specially because the organization is functioning 24 hours.

• As a whole, most of the workers are working at a height that may cause accident. The company have not concerned about introducing PPE to them.

Sub Section – 2

Factors which are likely to cause occupational diseases

Here, I bring you out what are the potential factors they may cause industrial diseases among our employees.

Entire 10 acres are macadamized. Hence it is always creating a dusty environment within the organization. Therefore it may lead the employees to have many diseases. It may be some minor diseases such as cough, running nose but can lead up to asthma and lung cancers also.

Water lodged drains and working area will always be a fine place to mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes are well know threat in teams of health where as they can spread many types of diseases among the employees. The severity of this issue is so high because the diseases like dengue, viral flu, malaria, can be fatal after infection.

When considering the about food and water our company has so many lapses with us. Mainly drinking water is not available to the workers, who have to have than the office staff. For the entire employees we don’t have a canteen facility and a proper way of providing meals for them. Therefore, the diseases like dihera can be easily popped up among the employees which has already reported in few instances. At last an un healthy workforce is always a huge disadvantage for a company in terms of performances.

Continuous shifts for the employees are making the health problems bad to worst. The workers compelled to work two shifts which may lead to dissatisfaction and low morale among the employees. And the continuous work will make workers tired and weak. it creates a surrounding to spread other diseases also because the employees are not fit enough to face them

Uniforms have to be washed regularly as per the company rules. But due to the lack of supervision of this case the employees are wearing not properly washed uniforms. The situation of locker area and the fines applicable for not wearing the uniforms may tend the employees to wear same uniform for several days. This has been the main cause foe rashes whish some employees are currently suffering.

On top of all theses issue my team has came across one important area which we are so weak at. Not in the industries bt at any occasion there is a golden rule; “prevention is better than cure”. When looking at our organization premises we don’t have taken almost all the preventive action which we should have been taken. Most of these will help to stop



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