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Information Management in Business

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Master's Project in Change Management

Business Requirements Analysis

CIS/570 - Information Management in Business

Table of Contents

Company Background 3

Project I 7

Project II 9

Appendix A - Project I Use Case 10

E-Learning systems/ laptops 10

Appendix B - Project II Use Case 13

Enhancing existing intranet-based system 13

References 16

Company Background

Detroit Public Schools are striving to be the competitive leaders in academic achievements with continuous improvement strategies from a technology standpoint. Currently many of the 8th grade students are failing and have very poor attendance in school. This project will set up e-learning systems with Local Area Networks for 40 laptops using Windows XP as a network operating system. The goal of this project is driving the students to become more aware of the need to be educated and attuned to technological learning and increase attendance.

The Detroit Public Schools goals and opportunities is directed towards maximizing learning for all special needs students, by providing access to their educational environment through the implementation of assistive technology. Detroit Public Schools believe that technological support is the key to a child's educational process that enables them to be productive in this global society (DPS, 2004). Detroit Public Schools strives to develop customer and data-driven, student-centered learning environments; all students are motivated to become productive citizens and lifelong learners, equipping them with skill to meet the needs of this high- tech society. The acceleration and integration of technology being introduced into the E-learning programs will support and increase the students' academic achievements (DPS, 2004).

In the last two decades of the Detroit Public Schools, there have been frequent and dramatic changes in their leadership from the boardroom to the classroom. Detroit Public Schools is striving to identify a variety of technology strategies to increase and transform teaching and learning skills that will produce new behaviors in the teachers and students. Detroit Public School wants every child to achieve their full potential by ensuring every school makes full use of e-learning systems to improve their standards across the board (DPS, 2003). Detroit Public Schools wants an e-learning culture where all leaders become actively involved at all levels through available technologies to learn and prosper in this world; creating a role model for the students at Detroit Public Schools to follow. Detroit Public Schools face with e-learning systems being introduced into the schools. Detroit Public schools internally face challenges with test scores, attendance rates, and poor infrastructure maintenance. The need for more students and modern technology strongly influences the districts (Environments, 2003).

The e-learning systems project will bring internal and external issues however; a SWOT analysis will view the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of this new technology. The long-term objectives for this e-learning system introduced will provide a matrix with major initiatives along with a schedule of responsibilities, indicators of success and alignment with the technology strategic plan (Environments, 2003).

A matrix will show how the e-learning system will be introduced and contained with (1) a graph of cells (2) Stable, secure and adaptable technical infrastructure(3) Adapting core processes to facilitate change (4) Design and development of e-products (5) evaluation of objectives and outcomes and (6) Dissemination of good practice (Bowen, 2001). The e-learning culture will take advantage of the external learning opportunities and follow the path these opportunities can lead them. E-learning is about information, communication, education, and training. E-learning provides the potential to provide the right information to the right people at the right time. E-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes such as wed-based learning, computer based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration (Electronic Magazine, 2005). The SWOT analysis will reveal the strengths the e-learning systems would bring to the districts such as (1) good infrastructure planning (2) laptops in the library and homes and (3) strong vendor partnerships. Weaknesses fall in the categories of (1) poor access to web sites and (2) security for the hardware. Opportunities entail providing the students classroom and home technology on demand with web- based software. Threats with the e-learning systems present a loss of students due to limited computer space, high cost for maintenance, viruses, loss of hardware from theft/vandalism, and lost data from poor network security. The school district will determine the overall cost of the e-learning systems and develop a technology budget. The budget developed will (1) identify the populations served (2) establish technology targets/ratios (3) determine the total needed for this project (4) deduct the existing resources that is not needed in the next 3 years (5) calculate needs that are not met (6) identify sources that funds will be generated from (Schools, 2003).

The software Learning Synergy will be the database architecture that will link curricular, instructional resources, assessment, and student information (Muirhead, 2003). The Learning Management System software integrated with other departments, such as human resource, accounting, and e-commerce, administrative and supervisory tasks will be streamlined; overall cost and impact of education will be tracked and quantified. The Learning Management System will be evaluated and the vendors. The Learning Management System solution has to meet the needs and demands of the diverse classroom and home settings.

The e-learning systems usage as technology tools by educational leaders will utilize instructional technology, relating to computer use for accessing and finding information. The reasons include the following (1) preparing students to function in an information-based, internet using society, (2) make students more competent when using this tools that is found all over the world (3) make education more efficient and effective (4) help students become technology literate (ITEA, 2004).




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