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Injustices in to Kill a Mockingbird

Essay by   •  February 23, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,174 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,640 Views

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There have been many famous pieces of literature, but one that stands out is the 1960's classic To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee. Lee, who only wrote one book in her life time, wrote of prejudice, injustice, and racism in the 1930's. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in the Deep South in the 1930's. To Kill a Mockingbird is a story in which a black mad is accused of doing something he didn't do. During the whole story some of the two of the main characters, Jem Finch and Jean Lousie Finch, grow up in there mind but, are still of young age. Different things happen along the way but the story is based on what happens to Tom Robinson the black man. It seems like so muck is going on at once but it isn't that hard to figure out that it is injustice. Injustice is a huge concept in this book; it is basically the prejudices and racism going on. In To Kill a Mockingbird there is lots of injustice and prejudice going on. Atticus Finch, Jean Lousie Finch, and Tom Robinson experience injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Particularly, Scout; witnesses injustices in To Kill a Mockingbird because she is so young. The first incident in which Scout (or Jean Lousie Finch) receives injustice is when Miss Caroline tells her that she is not to be taught to read any more. "Miss Caroline told [Scout] to tell [Atticus] not to teach her to read any more ..." (Lee 17) with that scout proceed to tell her that Atticus hasn't taught her to read ever. At the beginning of the story Scout and her brother Jem only know that their father Atticus is an old lawyer and that all he does is work and read. As the story progress they realize that their father is really a good man and he does a lot of good thing for people. Scout thinks that Atticus is too old to do any thing and that Miss Caroline is just too new the area. This is an example of injustice because Scout is being told to do something that she does not want to do. Scout wants to be able to read and write with out being told that she can not. As Jem explains that Miss Caroline has a new way of teaching and it is by not using books. Scout thinks that it is dumb but really its not.

Another example of injustice with Scout is when she goes with Atticus and Jem to the family plantation for Christmas and she gets in trouble, for beating up her cousin, even though her uncle will not listen to her side of the story. Scout is out side with her cousin and he will not stop calling her father or his uncle a "Nigger Lover". So Scout hits him and he goes in and says something to his mother.

So her uncle came outside and yelled at her with out listening to what she had to say.

This is an example of injustice because her side of the story was not been able to be told. If her side of the story had been told then the reader could figure that Scouts cousin would have gotten yelled at instead of Scout. Scout witnesses some injustices and these are just a few of them.

Secondly, Atticus is one of the main persons that observes injustice. One time that Atticus receives injustice is when the guys from the country come to the jail and are there to kill Tom Robinson, and the only way the guys wouldn't have beat up Atticus is because his daughter ran up to him and talked both their ways out of it. This is an example of injustice because this gang of guys want to take out Atticus so that they could get to Tom.

Another example of injustice to Atticus was when Bob Ewell spit in his face. Bob Ewell spit in his face because Atticus was defending Tom Robinson. Atticus was appointed to Tom in his trial that he was apart of it. Bob hates Atticus because Bob is white trash and Atticus is not. This is an example of injustice



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