Essay by review • March 2, 2011 • Essay • 1,082 Words (5 Pages) • 1,145 Views
The word intelligence has been heard and understood for centuries, although many who use the word may define it differently when asked what its true meaning is. Some would say intelligence is a measurement of a person's mental acuteness in numerous ways and various forms. This all tends to relate back to how many facts one knows. Some have a particular subject that they know well such as psychology or science and would consider themselves intelligent in that field of study. Others view intelligence as things one can do or accomplishments, or how one can react or act in different types of situations.
There are groups that call themselves intelligent which are called Intelligence Agencies. Our military seeks out information about our enemies or potential enemies to find out information. This form of intelligence is a way to find out what is needed to know and manipulating the situations to better our side. Though one may not think of intelligence when thinking about our government, it can fit in to the definition. These Agencies are out there using their minds and lives to protect us. They must use tactics and secret operations to go through with their missions. And intelligent is only one way to describe these types of people.
Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I. is another form of intelligence. A.I. is a computer that was designed by a human. These computers are robots that are designed to be human like in its thoughts. The most remarkable part about these computers is they can solve problems that we humans can face, however they can solve them much faster then any human could. There are some people who argue and say that this isn't real intelligence, but who is to say intelligence has to be a real living thing.
One of the most common definitions of intelligence is how well someone does in school. They understand the subjects they are taught and present their understanding through tests and questions showing they know how to answer the question they have been studying. This type of intelligence, school smarts, one must open a book, read over it, memorize the materials, understand it and know how to answer the questions. These types of intelligent people do well in school, go to the big named colleges and are expected to get those high paying jobs in the future. The parents of these people are often told how intelligent their child is by just looking at their grades or by what college they were accepted at. Intelligence of this form has a large brain capacity for holding a vast amount of information. Such as: formulas, dates, or parts of the brain. One is considered quite lucky to have this type of intelligent. They are looked up to and idolized. A good example of a very intelligent man was Jennings who won repeatedly on the well known television show, Jeopardy. He could answer an amazing number of questions about topics many of us have barley heard of let alone could answer detailed questions about.
On the other side of school intelligence, there is what is known as street smarts. This type of intelligence isn't gained by reading a book and memorizing the formula. Street smarts can't be judged by a grade or how one does on a test. This type of intelligence is defined by how one is able to read people and read a situation in from of them. Their reaction and thinking process leading in to their decision is how their intelligence is defined and evaluated. This type of intelligence can't be taught from a manual or any type of text book. One can learn strategies or tactics through books, however it is how they are used in read situations that prove their true intelligence. To understand what is going on around them and react in a way, one must learn from experience and knowledge about different situations.