Introduction to Managerial
Essay by review • February 6, 2011 • Research Paper • 4,236 Words (17 Pages) • 1,818 Views
Introduction to Managerial
Decision Making
Phar-Mor, Inc., the nation's largest discount drugstore chain, filed for bankruptcy
court protection in 1992, following discovery of one of the largest business fraud and
embezzlement schemes in U.S. history. Coopers and Lybrand, Phar-Mor's former
auditors, failed to detect inventory inflation and other financial manipulations that
resulted in $985 million of earnings overstatements over a three-year period.
A federal jury unanimously found Coopers and Lybrand liable to a group of
investors on fraud charges. The successful plaintiffs contended that Gregory Finerty,
the Coopers and Lybrand partner in charge of the Phar-Mor audit, was "hungry for
business because he had been passed over for additional profit-sharing in 1988 for
failing to sell enough of the firm's services" (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 15,
1996). In 1989, Finerty began selling services to relatives and associates of Phar-
Mor's president and CEO (who has been sentenced to prison and fined for his part
in the fraud). Critics claim Finerty may have become too close to client management
to maintain the professional skepticism necessary for the conduct of an independent
The Phar-Mor case is just one of many in which auditors have been held accountable
for certification of faulty financial statements. Investors in the Miniscribe
Corporation maintained that auditors were at least partially responsible for the nowdefunct
company's falsified financial statements; at least one jury agreed, holding the
auditors liable to investors for $200 million. In the wake of the U.S. savingsÐ'-andÐ'-
loan crisis, audit firms faced a barrage of lawsuits, paying hundreds of millions in
judgments and out-of-court settlements for their involvement in the financial reporting
process of savingsÐ'-andÐ'-loan clients that eventually failed.
The auditing partners of Coopers and Lybrand, like partners of other firms held
liable for such negligence, are very bright people. In addition, I believe that they are
generally very honest people. So, how could a prominent auditing firm with a reputation
for intelligence and integrity have overlooked such large misstatements in Phar-
Mor's financial records? How could auditors have failed to see that so many of their
savings-and-loan clients were on the brink of failure? Critics of the profession suggest
that auditor neglect and corruption may be responsible. In fact, very rarely do audit
2 Ð'* Chapter 1: Introduction to Managerial Decision Making
failures result fromdeliberate collusion of the auditor with its client in the issuance
of faulty financial statements. Instead, audit failures are the predictable result of
systematic biases in judgment. This book provides the tools to help you avoid these
errors. By eliminating biases from your decision-making patterns, you can become a
better decision maker and protect yourself, your family, and your organization from
avoidable mistakes.
This book (Chapter 4, specifically) will provide evidence that it is psychologically
impossible for auditors to maintain their objectivity; cases of audit failure are inevitable,
even from the most honest of firms. Psychological research shows that expecting
objective judgment from an auditor hired by the auditee is unrealistic. Although
deliberate misreporting can occur, bias more typically becomes an unconscious, unintentional
factor at the stage where judgments are made. When people are called
upon to make impartial judgments, those judgments are likely to be unconsciously
and powerfully biased in a manner that is commensurate with the judge's self-interest.
Psychologists call this the self-serving bias (Messick and Sentis, 1985). When presented
with identical information, individual perceptions of a situation differ dramatically
depending on one's role in the situation. Individuals first determine their
preference for a certain outcome on the basis of self-interest and then justify this
preference on the basis of fairness by changing the importance of attributes affecting
what is fair. Thus, the problemis not typically a desire to be unfair, but our inability
to interpret information in an unbiased manner (Diekmann, Samuels, Ross, and Bazerman,
1997). The self-serving bias exists because people are imperfect information
processors. One of the most important subjective influences on information processing
is self-interest. People tend to confuse what is personally beneficial with what is
fair or moral.
We have begun a new century with a vast amount of knowledge about how to
use technology to integrate data and make routine decisions. However, computers