Is Television Bad Influence or Not?
Essay by alexiajones15 • January 14, 2016 • Essay • 380 Words (2 Pages) • 2,170 Views
Is television bad influence or not ?
A lot of people argue about if tv is a good influence on kids or a bad influence on kids. This essay is the pros and cons on watching television.
I believe that you shouldn't watch tv in excessive, children can really aren’t benefitting from tv, so I believe tv is a bad influence.
Why children should watch television is because it shows children who watch educational shows do better on reading and math test.Preschoolers who view educational shows tend to have higher grade, being less aggressive and value studies in high school according to studies.University of Siena found that children get a soothing and painkilling effect by watching cartoons.
Why children shouldn’t television regularly is that is cause obesity. The violence in television can cause children to not have empathy when someone getting hurt and they might enjoy the violence. Younger children can be affected by the violence, drugs, sex and drinking and might want to do those things. Television is responsible for 10% of youth violence according to Research Scientist at the University of Michigan. Children spend more time watching tv than anything other than sleeping according to University of Kansas.
Why you should agree that tv is a bad influence is that sexual content appears in 64%of all television programs.Media violence may cause aggressive and antisocial behavior, desensitize viewers to future violence and increase perceptions that they are living "in a mean and dangerous world.Research has shown that "mindless" television or video games may idle and impoverish the development of the pre-frontal cortex, or that portion of the brain that is responsible for planning, organizing and sequencing behavior for self-control, moral judgment and attention. - American Academy of Pediatrics.
There are good things that comes out of watching educational shows. But if you watch anything but educational shows you have a chance if seeing violence, profanity, sexual contents, drugs, and alcohol. Your child could be viewing shows right now that inappropriate and messing with his or her ability to learn. Staring at a television all day could cause obesity in children. So, agreeing that