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Isis Is Not Islamic

Essay by   •  November 14, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  1,627 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,166 Views

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The extremist group known as ISIS, ISIL, and Islamic State, has stirred the people of the world through their violent acts under Islamic faith. It could be argued that ISIS does indeed follow their religious text, the Qur’an, in a fundamentalist sense. Religious texts speak differently to many people through different interpretations. Based on the acts of violence brought unto Muslim people, it also isn’t very surprising that these people would be outraged and want justice for the acts done against them. Religion is a factor in the violent actions caused by Islamic state because they use it as a scapegoat to blame their actions on.

ISIS, known as ISIL and Islamic state, is a terrorist group that began in Iraq during 2011 after the removal of American troops in Iraq, and the fall of the dictator Saddam Hussein. The new era within the nation was chaotic, disorderly, and violent. (Auerbach 1). There was also political corruption when it came to the treatment of religious peoples. The Shiite-based government alienated all other religious groups, which brought upon the society a very tense and unsafe environment for the people of the Iraq. The military was developing at a slower rate than needed by the people, and the new government lacked necessary technology and infrastructure. The result of these factors were more sectarian violence and terrorism. (Auerbach 1). ISIS arose among the mixture of disappointment and danger that was caused by the lacking government, now claiming to take control as the new government. ISIS expanded into western Syria from there. The group was known publicly as a terrorist group, spreading hatred against other ethnic and religious groups in Iraq, committing heinous acts including the destruction of symbols of other religious heritages, including ancient historical sites, to show their dominance over the innocent people of Iraq. Many bombings, shootings, kidnappings, and other violent acts were carried out either directly by ISIS members or those inspired by the group. (Auerbach 17). The Iraqi and Syrian governments couldn’t control ISIS and asked for aid as the terrorist group spread violence into other western countries across the globe, as well as directing their recruitment through online activity. Through interaction on various social media, ISIS was able to span its terror into France and Russia. The aid given to attempt to stop or threaten ISIS were airstrikes aimed for ISIS hotspots that began in 2014. Yet, it should also be noted that help wasn’t just through military violence. Humanitarian groups helped innocent Iraqi civilians who were injured during the airstrikes meant for ISIS, and military soldiers were sent to train Iraqi government’s soldiers to be better suited for battle against ISIS. ISIS causes a great deal of damage to the lives of many throughout these countries. Whether or not the Qur’an supports these acts, however, cannot be stated without evidence from the book itself.

The Qur’an is the religious text of which ISIS claims to abide by, hence claiming the Islamic name. Islamic state is known by most for their crimes against humanity over the past handful of years. ISIS does not seem to mind the acts they commit which could very well be identified as violence, with hundreds of people murdered and more lives ruined. However, the Qur’an states, “And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.” (Miqdad 1). As well as, “There should be no compulsion in religion” (Holy Quran 2:257). This means at the very least that Islamic state is misinterpreting or dismissing these quotes to justify their violence. Islamic Sstate isn’t very helpful, obviously. However, the Qur’an teaches to be helpful to others and only show good will. “O mankind if you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you.” (Miqdad 2). As well as, “And help one another in righteousness and piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression” (Holy Quran 5:3). ISIL must be completely ignoring some of these crucial words of the Qur’an in order to even remotely accept within themselves the acts their doing unto many innocent people. The last bit about not helping another in transgression is extremely crucial because that is exactly what ISIL does when they recruit members online to terrorize countries outside of their own reach. ISIL is not beneficial to any sort of peace within any nation, and that is what the Qur’an is completely against. “God loves those who are good benefit to the people.” (Miqdad 1). ISIL is exactly not what the Qur’an stands for. The only strand of possible evidence depicting that ISIL is for the Qur’an and that the faith supports the terrorism is the stance of war within the Qur’an, which states, “[Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you,” (Miqdad 3). However, in order to justify their acts, their acts would have to be assault only in the same way that they have been assaulted, which ISIS does claim, to an extent.

Religion is a touchy subject when it comes to all walks of people. It is hard to debate religion when people are quick to defend their own, or justify why their religion is the way it is. This kind of subject, in order to be properly discussed, has to be looked at through the bigger picture, and how it affects the lives of all people. Religion came to be through the organization of a group of people’s lives in reference to their ethics, morals, values, and tolerance, despite religion or ethnicity. (Miqdad 1). Whether or not Religion can be seen as violent depends on whose perspective the religion is seen from. (Martin 2).



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