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Islam: The Different Perspectives and Effects

Essay by   •  January 14, 2016  •  Essay  •  385 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,454 Views

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Islam: The Different Perspectives and Effects

The religion of Islam is usually represented with a crescent moon and a star, however many people believe Islam is just another word for terrorists. This is far from the truth. In all actuality Islam was founded to be a religion of peace, guided by following the five pillars of faith. Each pillar stands for a different aspect of the life that Muslims should follow. The pillars stand for charity, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life, and believing that Allah is the one true god and that Muhammad is his prophet. Peace is represented by an angel and the five pillars hold up the roof of a building within the symbol. When it comes to the pillar of prayer, Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day while facing east. Within the symbol of Islam, this is portrayed as a compass pointing east with the point showing the number five. Islam has benefitted the world in a variety of ways. For example: algebra, physics, and chemistry all originated in islam dominated geographical regions

Unfortunately, many people do not see Muslims as peaceful people who have made many great strides in the development of Earth today. Groups of extremists who twist the meaning of the Qu’ran have become the ‘poster’ Muslim citizen. These terrorist groups are known for their bombings, hence a bomb within the symbol of Islam. Luckily, many people realize that the actions of a few people do not define the whole group. When the word Islam is mentioned many people think of the hijab and burqa. This is an article of clothing that women wear to cover their skin in accordance to the Sharia Law (Islamic system of law). Another image that comes to mind are mosques. These are the buildings or temples were Muslims go to worship Allah.

There are drastically different ways that non-Muslims view the religion of Islam. The side of the symbol containing the angel represents the actual beliefs of Islam, and the bomb side represents what people think of Muslims. Despite some of the perspectives of Muslims, Islam teaches many different peaceful qualities and ways to live a good life in the eyes of Allah. Our symbol represents the different perspectives of the growing religion of Islam.



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