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Islam and Christanity

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Islam and Christanity

When you are born into a world in which the two biggest religions on the globe are fighting the same battle they have been fighting for a thousand years you start to question the belifs of these two religions. If they both preach peace, why do we get war? I wonder what Jesus or Muhammad would say if they were alive today. Christanity, Islam, and Judaism are three of the most closely related religions in the world because they all see Abraham and other patriarcal figures in the bible as their spirtual ansestors. However, their points of similarity are no guarentee the followers will get along. In fact, most of the religiously motivated conflicts are between Muslims and Christans. All religions have important elements that play a part in the religion itsself these are Belifs, Community, and Central myths. These three topics are the basis of a religion and provide foundation upon which people create new objects, set up a new system of law, or build empires..

Christanity started in 30 CE and grew out of judaism. (Molly 343)It's hard to compare Chirstanity to any other religion because of the wide range of practices among christans. These practices vary between the many branches: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox churches, the Anglican communion and the tens of thousands of Protestant faith groups. The Thousands of groups of protestants are divided into Libral and Conservative wings. "Christanity is the religion of 33% of the population making it the largest religion in world. Christianity is growing at a rate of 2.3% increase each year."(Consultants)

Islam started in 622 CE and is the second largest religion in the world.(Molly 433) Islam doesn't have as many wings or sects as Christianity but it has 3 major sects that should be acknowledged the Three major sects are Sunni, Shi'ite, and Sufi, much like Christianity the three groups share the same basic belief, but differ on certain aspects. Islam is the fastest growing religion, growing at a rate of 2.9% increase each year 20% of people claim to be a Muslim.(Consiltants)

Christianity believes in one god that is represented trough the trinity: Father, son, and holy spirit The trinity is sometimes confusing to non-christens who think the trinity represents three gods. Christianity grew out of Judaism, Jew's who accepted Jesus as the messiah were considered to be Christians. My Professor Steven Rossi said "The Jews were a strong influence on early Christan church" ,and he is correct, Jewish tradition and bible were used until the new testament was created. Christians are expected to follow the 10 commandments from the old testament also they are expected to follow Jesus's teachings called the two great commandments. The two great commandments display the main focus of many Christians which is love god and love your neighbor following these laws allows christens to reach heaven. (Molly 343-347)

Muslims believe in only one god called Allah, They also believe God controls every aspect of life. Muhammad is often credited for starting Islam However, Muslims generally regard Islam as dating back to the time of creation.(Becoming) In Islam Allah is worshiped extensively multiple times per day. (Molly 438) Sheikh Hmoud M. Al-Lahim suggests "The lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of Allah without objection." Muslims believe that good and evil forces are in constant battle and that life on earth is filled with choices that can lead to the most serious consequences (Molly 440) Muslims are to follow a code of ethics to support their faith and they are called the five pillars of Islam. The Five pillars tell Muslims what they should do to please Allah and reach Heaven. The Christan system of time is an interesting aspect of the religion because it is used in the European dating system, which has now been generally accepted worldwide. "The system was created by Dionysius exiguus and it made Jesus's birth the central event in history. "Thus we have "B.C.," meaning "before Chirst," and "A.D.," Latin for "in the year of the Lord" anno Domini." (Molloy 343) However, the year of Jesus's birth is uncertain and the system is also inaccurate because the roman numeral system had no number for zero because of these flaws many books now use B.C.E and C.E.

Like the Christian system of dating the Muslim calender is also interesting. In the Muslim calendar the year is only 354 days long, 11 days shorter than the Western calendar system. This is because of its lunar system, where every year consists of exactly 12 moon cycles.The other common name of the Muslim calendar is Hijra, referring to the fleeing of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib. (Molloy 344).

Both religions acknowledge the existence of Jesus but differently In Christianity, Jesus is viewed as the son of god and died for our sins. The bible states Jesus was conceived trough a virgin birth, However, Christians are divided on this issue. Conservatives say the birth was virgin but many liberal groups speculate that it was probably a conventional birth and virginity is used to symbolize purity.(Consultants) As mentioned before Christians were Jews who accepted Jesus as the last messiah, many Jews expected the messiah to be a king or military leader who would save the Jews from roman oppression Christians also believe Jesus died was reborn and ascended to heaven, many await his second coming and possibly the "Day of judgment".

Islam Views Jesus as a prophet, but reject his divinity and the Christan doctrine of the trinity. The Muslim people believe that Jews and Christians have the true word of god, contaminated by human influence. Instead Muslims believe Muhammad was the one who freed the divine message from human contamination. purified it, and gave it to the people. (Molloy 439) Muslims highly respect Jesus as the Second to last prophet and viewed his birth as virgin conception.(Consultants) However, in my opinion, What i find most interesting on how Muslims see Jesus's death. Muslims



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