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Jesus and Mohammad

Essay by   •  January 1, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,250 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,354 Views

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Jesus and Muhammad are known as prophets of different religions with similarities as well as differences. Jesus is known as the founder as Christianity and Muhammad is known as the founder of Islam. Currently, these two religions are two of the most popular religions in the world today and are worships by billions of people. Below you will find the brief history of Jesus and Muhammad and how they have affected the religions over the last several centuries.


Jesus, (who’ name means God saves) is thought to have been born in Bethlehem before the first year of the Common Era or around 4 BC. Jesus’ mother was Mary, who was a virgin when she conceived him by the Holy Spirit. Joseph, Mary’s husband was a carpenter from Bethlehem. While traveling to their ancestral city for cencus, Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable. According to Luke, angels provided the poor shepherds with gifs to pay their respects to the born Savior. It wasn’t until Jesus was about thirty years old when it was recorded that Jesus had appeared before John to be baptized and then began a forty day retreat in the wilderness while fasting. It is said that Jesus traveled around, producing miracles, turning water into wine, healing the sick and bring the dead back to life. Jesus was known to have brought Lazarus back to life four days after he died. After the resurrection of Lazarus, his sister Martha is quoted to have said “I now believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God who was to come into the world.” According to Fisher, it was said that his mission was to gather together everyone who could be saved. In Galilee, people gathered around Jesus in hopes of being healed. However, a Jew appointed by the Romans, threatened the presence of Jesus and forced him out of his jurisdiction and he then continued his travels to Lebanon.

During Passover, Jesus returned to Jerusalem. He entered the town on a donkey and was announced by his supporters as the Messiah. Jesus knew that his return to Jerusalem would be potentially dangerous and he warned his followers at the Last Supper that his end was near. According to Fisher, the high priest, Joseph Caiaphas asked Jesus “Are you the Christ?” in which Jesus answered: “You have said so. But I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.” At this time Caiaphas stated that this was blasphemy and sentenced him to death under Roman law by crucifixion. Guards placed thorns on Jesus’ head, beat him, and hung him by nails on the cross. At the age of 33, after hours of suffering, Jesus died on the cross and his body was given to Joseph who placed the body of Jesus in a guarded tomb.

Jesus’ followers were scared and hid to mourn the loss of their Savior for they feared that the religion would die off. On the Sunday following the crucifixion of Jesus, some of the women who were close to Jesus visited his tomb to prepare for his proper burial. Once in the tomb, they discovered the tomb empty and were met by angels who told the women that Jesus and risen from the dead, leading his followers to believe that Jesus had been God in human life (Fisher pg 302). According to Fisher, by the end of the fifth century, Christianity was the faith claimed by most of the Roman Empire and spread into the east. Christians began to worship God by giving up material pleasures, renouncing sexuality, serving others and spending hours in prayer.

A central belief of Christianity is that Jesus is the incarnation of God and is the savior of the world. The belief is that God sent Jesus to redeem people for their sins. Today, people believe that Jesus is a living presence and guides and supports them in their times of light and dark. Christians attend public services intended to worship The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit in prayer. Each year, Christians reflect upon Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus as well as Easter to celebrate his resurrection.


The creed of Islam is: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his Messenger”. Muhammad was born a prophet in Mecca around 570 CE and was considered by the Muslims to be the last prophet to restore the religion of Islam. Muhammad was raised by his uncle and became a shepherd after the death of his parents and grandfather. According to Fisher, while on a trip with his uncle to Syria, Muhammad was seen by a Christian monk who identified marks



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