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Jews for Jesus and Jews for Judaism

Essay by   •  December 2, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  1,779 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,839 Views

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In today's world there is racism, discrimination, and hatred towards ethnic groups, religions, and cultures. A very well known organization is Jews for Jesus. They are simply spreading their thoughts about their own beliefs. However, while doing this, they are slapping the Jews in the face after turning their backs on their brethren. If they are really Jewish, then why do they believe that Jesus was the messiah? This essay will show what Jews for Jesus believes in, how Jews for Judaism contradicts their opinion, and both organizations' methods of gaining members and spreading their principles.

Jews for Jesus is a Christian evangelical organization based in San Francisco, California. This means that they are an organization which travels and spreads beliefs. Jews for Jesus is spreading the belief that Jesus is the Messiah and God. Whilst doing this, they also promote awareness of Jewish and Christian heritage. The ironic thing is, that Jews for Jesus claims that their followers are "living out their Jewishness" and self-identifies as Jewish. However, a vast number of Jewish people, groups, organizations, and many others reject this, and regard the group as Christian.

At "" Ð'- a Jews for Jesus website Ð'- the question is asked, "Can you explain how one can be a Jew and a Christian at the same time? That seems like a contradiction in terms." The site responds by saying:

"The definition of who is a Jew is much debated within the Jewish community. Some want to define "Jewish" as cultural, others as religious and still others as a matter of parentage."

The site adds that they believe Jewishness is a birthright and inherited from the parents. The people at the organization are not of one culture; they have diverse cultural expressions such as Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Russian, Ethiopian, etc. The missionaries consider themselves to have more than one religion. While Judaism might be the traditional religion for many Jewish people, Jews are still considered Jewish even though they might be atheists or even if they have other beliefs, such as Christianity. They claim that people "are not entitled to negate their Jewishness. We are Jews by birth and that cannot change."

According to Jews for Jesus, you can be Jewish and Christian at the same time. "Jewish" refers to who they are. "Christian" is a designation for whom they follow.

So, one may understand how someone can be Jewish and Christian at the same time through definitions. Yet, why do Jews for Jesus believe that Jesus was the messiah? When questioned, they responded:

"He claimed to be the Messiah. In response to a Samaritan woman's question concerning when the Messiah would come, Jesus said, "I who speak to you am he" (John 4:25,26). In detail as to lineage, birthplace, time and lifestyle, Jesus matched the messianic expectations of the Hebrew Scriptures."


If Jesus is indeed the Messiah, than what is wrong with believing in him. "What could be more Jewish than believing in him?" (

For many people, what Jews for Jesus is trying to accomplish is wrong, disrespectful, controversial, and just plain rude. As a result of this, a new organization has been created, it has since become the largest Counter-Missionary organization in existence, and this organization is Jews for Judaism.

Jews for Judaism was established in 1985 internationally. Their goal is to provide a wide variety of services, education, and outreach programs that enable Jews of all ages to rediscover and strengthen their Jewish heritage. They believe that they are a positive resource, supported by all denominations of Judaism. They try to lend a helping hand to individuals who have been lured away from Judaism by other belief systems or assimilation.

One of Jews for Judaism's main arguments is about who is the messiah. The Jews for Jesus claim that Jesus is and was the messiah. Jews for Judaism claims that the messiah has not yet arrived, agreeing with the Jewish religion. According to the torah, the messiah is to be a human being without any suggestion of deity - being a god - or holiness. The messiah will bring about certain changes in the world and fulfill certain criteria before he can be acknowledged as "The Messiah".

On the Jews for Judaism website, there is an article stating the conditions of being the messiah. It mentions that if an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the messiah.

1. The messiah must be Jewish. " may appoint a king over you, whom the L-rd your G-d shall choose: one from among your brethren shall you set as king over you." (Deuteronomy 17:15)

2. He must be a member of the tribe of Judah. "The staff shall not depart from Judah, nor the sceptre from between his feet..." (Genesis 49:10)

3. He must be a direct male descendant of King David and King Solomon. "And when your days (David) are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who shall issue from your bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will make firm the throne of his kingdom forever..." (2 Samuel 7:12 - 13). We already know that Jesus is not the messiah because the genealogy in the New Testament is inconsistent. It gives two accounts of the descent of Joseph and it visibly states that he is not the biological father of Jesus.

4. He must gather the Jewish people from exile and return them to Israel. "And he shall set up a banner for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." (Isaiah 11:12). Since the time of Jesus, are all the Jews living in Israel? Once again, Jesus was not the messiah.

5. He must rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. "...and I will set my sanctuary in their midst forever and my tabernacle shall be with them.." (Ezekiel 37:26 - 27). If one goes to Jerusalem right now, there is no Temple. In addition, it was only shortly after Jesus died that the Temple was destroyed.

6. The messiah will rule at a time of world-wide peace. "...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." (Micah 4:3). Anyone can see that in the year 2006, there is no world peace.



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