Jungle Case
Essay by kermiekermz • December 4, 2014 • Essay • 966 Words (4 Pages) • 1,812 Views
At first I was kind of hesitant to read The Jungle. I heard tidbits of what the overview of the story was, and I wasn't to sure if I could handle the storyline. Some said it was nasty and graphic. Others told me it was an eyeopener. So I decided to read the book myself, and find out the truth.To my surprise I learned more about the government than I did the meat packing industry.The book started with a wedding so I knew it couldn't be that bad.The first couple chapters weren't gory whatsoever, but they also paved the way for the story to unfold. I felt so awful for Jurgis and his wife. They came to America looking for a better life. When they finally found work, it was in the meet packing and processing industry. Having already known the story line, I knew things could only go wrong from there. They endured so many crucial and prejudice things. The theme of capitalism was very relevant to me in The Jungle.
I felt like the fundamental subject matter of The Jungle is the wickedness of capitalism. Each and every occurrence was chosen deliberately to portray a particular failure of capitalism. Such failures include: inhuman, destructive, unjust, brutal, and violent acts. The prejudice of the economic and social system demonstrated capitalism on the working class as a whole. I believe The Jungle illustrates that capitalism is to blame for the immigrants unfortunate fate. Capitalism is painted as a complete evil.The Jungle does a phenomenal job of showing the nasty effects that capitalism has on the world.The author seems to make it appear like their could be an effective way to cure capitalism.In Chapter 28, Jurgis discovers socialist politics. It becomes crystal clear to me that socialism is the fix to all of the capitalist issues.I think a bell rung in Jurgis' brain that capitalism is just as good as socialism. Capitalism destroys numerous citizens for the benefit of a few. While socialism benefits each and every citizen. The Jungle illustrates the socialist political system to reimpose humanity to the abused working class.
I don't believe meaningful change can occur within the system of capitalism. Capitalism should be denoted as an endless need for money. There were child labor laws, but why weren't they enforced? Was making money that big of a deal for laws to be broken? The sad part was it wasn't even the corporation having the children work for money at this point. Wage laborers had to put their children to work. There little source of income couldn't keep them financially afloat. I feel like America is somewhat in a capitalist state currently. It's all about money. Our country is spending money we don't even have. People are constantly taking out loans. Jobs are paying less. Teenagers are having to get year round jobs instead of just summer jobs. The price of college has gone up. The United States has become money hungry. At the same time, America is gradually moving to a more socialist state.I believe the lazy Americans are stealing from the working class. The people who don't work, and don't try to get a job are just taking the working classes money. I don't believe it's fair for someone to go through college, and major in a well paying career then have to end up giving away their money to the government to make living "fair" to everyone.In