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Killing Rage

Essay by   •  February 7, 2011  •  Essay  •  429 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,091 Views

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I think that Hooks intended her primary audience to be anyone who had looked away or been naпve about racism. However, even though I don't think I was really intended for a specific race, I also think that white people are more naпve about racism and it probably would be more informative for them. Many people look the other way when there is an injustice done, as the white man did on the plane when K was forced to move from her seat in first class.

There are not really any passages that I could find really imply who she wanted her audience to be. It was more of an informative paper. However, she does try to explain why there she thinks there is so much black on black violence. Hooks states that black people are scared to express their rage against white people because of the consequences. They have no where to put all this anger and they take it out on one another.

I thought things had gotten a lot better since the '50s but I guess they haven't. It is horrible that those women were treated that way and not served with the courtesy they deserved. If I had been Hooks in that situation, I would have thrown a fit about customer service, me being the one who pays for the attendant's paycheck, etc. I would have done my best to get that stewardess fired or at least suspended, even if it took a call to my lawyer. No one should have to deal with that and it upsets me to think that people are still so close minded.

In conclusion I don't think this was focused on a certain race of people, but more a group. White people who are naпve to what is going on or just look the other way and black people who don't do anything about these injustices. I think this essay was just meant to inform the masses that racism is still present everywhere. The airport seems to have a lot of problems with racism, especially after 9/11. My father travels every week and has been searched almost every time just because he has a beard. It makes me wonder what kinds of people are running our airlines and whether they are credible enough to fly a plane. Obviously, if they are too close minded to be racist, then they are too close minded to make good decisions in a time of need.

Hooks, Bell. "Killing Rage." Writing as a Reflective Action. USA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001. 102-110.



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