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King Asoka

Essay by   •  January 10, 2016  •  Essay  •  942 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,324 Views

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King Asoka was the last significant emperor ruling the Mauryan dynasty in the country of India. King Asoka admittedly supported Buddhism during his reign which is estimated to be around 265 to 238 B.C., but in some references noted as 273 - 232 B.C. He advocated the spread of Buddhism through the area we now call India. Before he completely made his conversion into passionately believing Buddhist teachings, he successfully conquered the Kalinga country on the east coast, now known as Orissa, in the eighth year of his reign. However, Asoka came to reject any form of armed conquest and began a personal policy of “conquest by dharma” as he called it, or by using principals of right life.

Part of his conversion is generally believed to be due to his bloody invasion of Kalinga. “When the war Kalinga was over… and the people [were] conquered, he [Asoka] felt him a great crisis, a stirring for meaning and a remorse.” (Doc C) The sufferings and pains of war which he witnessed happening to the defeated is said to have deeply moved him emotionally, thus prompting his to adopt his conquest by dharma policy and his respect for life. The map in document A shows how many people were killed as a result of the war, showing about 2000 people were killed. Right about this time Asoka was exposed to Buddhism and he liked its teachings. He converted soon thereafter.

Asoka had teachings and edicts disseminated through word-of-mouth as well as carvings of them in rocks and on stone pillars. These messages carved into stone became known as the Rock Edicts (and Pillar Edicts). They contain some of his sayings or his thoughts and actions and give insight to his life.

King Asoka also did not generally speak of his religious affiliation with Buddhism to others besides the other Buddhists he associated with. He did not publicly advocate one religious perspective over another, either. In fact he respected the different religious sects and granted them the freedom to live as their beliefs dictate they should. According to document D, rock edict XII states “The faiths of others all deserve to be honored for one reason or another.” Asoka did however advocate them to respect all other people’s creeds and see the good in others. He tried to spread his teachings of respect and tolerance as far across his lands as possible.

He spoke of, and seriously believed in, a simple list of virtues: honesty, mercy, benevolence, nonviolence, truthfulness, compassion, considerate behavior to everyone, modesty, no harm to animals, and “little sin and many good deeds.” According to rock edict XIII, “If a hundred or a thousandth part of those people who were killed or died or were deported when Kalinga was annexed were to suffer… it would weigh heavily on the mind of the Beloved of the Gods [Asoka]. Asoka also preached that people should make an effort to point out the good qualities of others and to to refrain from criticizing the viewpoints and beliefs of other people.

Asoka did not just preach his beliefs, he went out and practiced them as well. He took occasional trips through his kingdom, especially into the rural areas and preached the dharma and helped ease the pains and hardships of the people. He made his officials also go out into the kingdom and help



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