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Essay by   •  December 17, 2010  •  Essay  •  364 Words (2 Pages)  •  876 Views

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J. Krishnamurti, while fully enlightened and uniquely lovable, will be recorded in history as a teacher with very poor verbal communication skills. K will be remembered in history for having one of the most remarkable lives of this century. He took on the real cause of the world's

suffering -- the human mind, human consciousness itself. He was a revolutionary of the greatest kind. No one else did more, because he didn't rely on belief systems at all. He never felt they were necessary, and this is why his organization never became a cult.

Unlike the highly eloquent Rajneesh, however, Krishnamurti never committed any crime, never pretended to be more than he was, and never used other human beings selfishly. There's nothing hard to understand about the following Krishnamurti statements, other than living these truths:" I am only acting as a mirror to your life, in which you can see yourself as you are; then you can throw away the mirror; the mirror is not important." In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open, except yourself." If one really wants to find out about God, what God is, whether there is such a thing, something which is not nameable -- if that is the main interest of your life -- that very interest does bring order? This means that to find that reality one must live differently, deeply differently. There must be austerity without hardness, there must be tremendous love. And love cannot exist if there is fear, or if the mind is pursuing pleasure. So to find that reality one must understand oneself."

I recommend the teachings of Krishnamurti to everyone. He is the least intrusive, but most profound of any teacher I've ever come across. But he is very demanding of one's own efforts, so one must be prepared for this. One of his main teachings is that one simply can't believe in order to find God. One must do the inner labor to strip off what stands in the way.



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