Legalizing Marihuana
Essay by review • March 1, 2011 • Essay • 1,032 Words (5 Pages) • 1,171 Views
What is Marihuana? This question has been turned inside out. In some of the discussions of effects and orientations different people had varied concepions of marihuana. It seems to moft people it is more of a social object. As one experiences the use the definition of marihuana comes to light. The experience of the use of it whether good or bad defines Marihuana comes to light. The experience of the use the definition of marihuana. A survey was made in a simple random sample of 300 students represention about 60 percent of the student bady at a midwest college. They were asked to come to the school and complete a questionnaire. When the students returned to the interview these praticipants wielded a final return of 239. In this report some of the negative responses were: marihuana is a bad habit to bresk, addiction, causes suffering and pain, and causes crime and death. Some of the positive of the positive responses, as they saw them were: it is a beautiful feeling, rapping with friends, little contains
of Acapulco Gold. I think we are safe in saying that marihuana means many things to many people. As far back as August 2, 1937 President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Marihuana fox Act into law. Making the use and sale of Marihuana federal offices. Forty years later, president-Jimmy Carter officially
proposed to decriminalize marihuana, to remove criminal penalties for its use and for the now profit transfer of small amounts of it, while maintaining penalties for traffing. Before the 1960's, marihuna use was small and concentrated among marginal social groups. In the 1960's use expanded rapidly, spreading in particular to middle-class youths in the suburds and off college campuses.
Some major concerns about marihuna is the health problems involved with the drug. It can impair your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. Most scientist feel that alcohol is more dangerous than marihuns. Most people do not think that marihuna is addicting. If the government legalized marihuna it would be safer for you to know that it would not be laced with another drug. Some of the drugs that might be combined with marihuna might be cocaine,herion,LSD and other harder drugs. When people try to quit this drug it causes a lot of people to eccelerte their use of alcohol. Because marihuana causes you to eat a lot more and when they try to stop they start to lose weight.
According to the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 197 Congrsss provided the following scheme with respest to marihuna, by which was meant only the natural plant and it's various parts, not the syntheic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC):
-"Cultivation, importation and exportation, and sale of distribution for profit of marihuana are all felonie punishable by imprisonment for up to five years for a first offense and by -3 up to 10 years for a second offense (the available penailty is doubled for sale to a minor)."
-"possesion of marihuana with intent to distribute is a felony punishable by imprisonment for up to five years for the first offense and by up to 10 qears for a second offense."
-"possession of marihuana for personal use us a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and $1,000 fine for first offense and by up to two years in jail and a $2,000 fine for second offense (expringement of criminal record is available for first offenders)." I don't know if this is the way the law stands at this time(The Marijuana Muddle).
There are many different names for marijuana some are cannabis satiua, pot, weed,