Life, Death and Prom
Essay by megen.m • May 17, 2016 • Essay • 1,263 Words (6 Pages) • 1,378 Views
Life, Death and Prom
It seems every year there is a prom, less and less students want to go, why? Prom is something that cannot be missed, something that is worth going to. You may be thinking, well your definition of worth it is different than mine. Which could possibly be true, but I see worth it as anything you enjoy yourself at. So why miss prom, why not go and have fun with your friends or if you are lucky a date. Although many say prom is too expensive and non important, you should still go because you make memories that will last a lifetime.
Is prom worth it? A question that can be answered a million different ways, but yes prom is worth it. It is one of your last memories of high school, because soon after prom you have a couple days and then boom you graduated. So why have one of your last memories be something that is not even worth member, like how you stressed over finals. When you can have one of your last memories be prom, where you had a great time with people you love. Not only is it one of the last memories you’ll have but it is one of the last big school events. You have prom and if your school does grad night, then graduation. What about the students who are not gonna pursue a higher education, this will “mark the end of their formal education.” (Sallay) In an article written by a senior in high school titled Why Prom is Worth all the Fuss the author, Joanne Sallay, explains that after spending about your whole life in school, prom signifies the ending of many years in school. She also explains that it can possibly be “an opportunity to celebrate this milestone with friends.” (Sallay).
Another reason why prom is worth it, is you get to feel like a princess for a day. Besides your wedding day, if you plan to have one, prom is a day when you are able to spend lots of money on a dress and get all glammed up. You get to go the whole nine yards, and you feel amazing at the end of the day. It can even be a huge self esteem booster for some girls, and even guys. Many people maybe do not feel confident with themselves, and with everyone complimenting them on how good they obviously good helps boost their self-esteem.
Now many would argue that they do not want to go to prom because it is too expensive. It is true, prom is very expensive event but there is still ways to go and not have to pay a lot of money. So say it is the dress you can not afford, in the article mentioned above Why Prom is Worth all the Fuss Sallay informs her readers that there are programs that help the “economically disadvantaged,” (Sallay) by giving the girls options of picking out dresses and they do not have to pay. Now beside it being too expensive, girls usually say they do not want to go because they won't have a date. Honestly having a date is not necessary, you would have tons of more fun with going with a group of friends. I know I did, last year I had a date and it was not as fun as this year when I did not have a date. Last year had been really what he had wanted to do, and this year I was able to have fun the way I wanted to and I did it with my best friends which was a million times better. Another possible reason someone would not want to go to prom is because either they believe or their parents believe that it is “dangerous.” Which is a logical fear, but you do not have to be afraid of the actual prom. Prom is not gonna be like Carrie, the movie, where everything is gonna catch on fire, there are teachers and chaperones everywhere.
“Prom is supposed to be an American rite of passage,” a quote taken from The New York Times article Is Prom Worth it by Michael Gonchar. Which is completely true, you get to experience something that will never come again with people who you have known for about four years, or more. It is basically tradition to go to prom, your senior prom is basically what you go to high school for. It is