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Life or Something like It

Essay by   •  November 7, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,687 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,343 Views

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"2', long brown hair, and big blue eyes. It's hard to place exactly when and where it all happened. So let me just fill you in on how I got where I am today. I met her in the seventh grade for the first time through a mutual friend. From that moment on I had a big crush. We talked on occasion throughout eighth grade up until high school. We hung out a few times and then junior year rolled around and I was asked for a favor. It was my chance to finally get my foot in the door.

She asked me to take her to her friend's high school so that we could eat lunch with her. Of course being the nice guy I was and knowing exactly how I felt about this girl, I jumped on the chance. The day went well and I thought I was on my way. The phone call I got was to help move the same friend's TV, so once again I took the chance to try to better my position. This time there were other guys there and I felt really out of place. But I did all I could to try and make this situation a little better than the last. We began to talk more and pass notes in the hallway. Then one say she walked into the nurse's office at school, where I worked during 7th period, and it started once again. I swore to my best friend who worked in there with me, that she was way out of my league and that I had been trying all year to land this girl that I wanted since 7th grade. He told me just to give it a chance and to ask her out. And so risking all I had and acting completely out of my comfort zone I did the impossible and asked her to dinner. We talked, ate, she told me how she had two dates that upcoming weekend which kind pushed me back, but as my friend suggested I worked at it and eventually started to hang out with her regularly.

And then the night came where we kissed for the first time, May 28th, 2003. Finally I thought, I finally did it, but since we were a little light minded at the time I didn't know what her intentions were. So the next day my friend and I went to her house and I was extremely nervous. Nothing happened, but my friend insisted that the vibes were there and that I was definitely in. The only problem was the next day I would leave for camp. Well, she came over to say bye before I left and we kissed once again in my room. But again without explaining how we felt I left for the longest three weeks of my life. I wrote her a letter asking her to let me know how she felt, and then at the beginning of the 3rd week I got a reply.

I set outside with my friend Stone, and I was too worried to open it up believing that it would kill me. But I did and I read it, and nothing. She hadn't mentioned it at all, the only problem was I read it in the sun and missed her P.S. So when I read it again to only make myself feel worse I came across the P.S. and there it was "your best friend, and maybe more..." I literally flipped shit, because I would see the next week and when I got back I had come to find out that she had been grounded, so my friend Hunter took me to see The Incredible Hulk movie and afterwards we went to her house. He called her and told her that my car had stopped and that I wasn't back yet, so when she walked out of her house I hid behind the bushes, surprised her, and got what I still feel as the best hug of my life. I knew then and there that this was the only girl for me.

The next 16 months would prove to be the best I have ever had. I unfortunately discovered that she was a very depressed person and that she was having a really rough time with it. But knowing how much I wanted to be with her I stuck it out with all I had. With no trouble I would stay on the phone for hours making sure she was ok and that she wouldn't do anything stupid. We went through more than you would ever know together and shared a great amount of firsts. We would go to the Waterwall in downtown Houston and have the best talks and would make out under the tress in the dark. I had no doubt in my mind that this was the girl for me.

Homecoming was probably the first time she realized how much I loved her and that I would do anything for her at the drop of a hat. I dressed up as John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever as our theme was "That 70's Night". I used all the money I had made from my job to buy a suit, limo, flowers, and took her to the fanciest and most romantic place in town. We went to the dance and had loads of fun. After that we proceeded to my house only to watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch. Christmas time came around and she spent those days at my house. It was the best Christmas I have ever had. Nothing really changed apart from the other times, except that she was there and we all consider her part of the family, which made me feel really good to know that my close family loved her like I did. The next big thing to come around was prom and even though I thought I spent a lot of money on homecoming, prom was double it not triple that cost, but I never hesitated because I still knew that this was the girl for me.




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