Essay by review • September 17, 2010 • Essay • 1,933 Words (8 Pages) • 2,037 Views
There is only one thing in life that is really needed and that is friends. Without friends, people would suffer from loneliness and solitude. Loneliness leads to low self-estee. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the characters, Crooks, Candy, and Curly's wife all show some form of loneliness. They are curious of George and Lennie's friendship because they do not have that support in their life. Through his novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck demonstrates that many times, a victim of loneliness will have a never-ending search to fulfill a friendship.
\"A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't matter no difference who the guy is,
longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick\" (Steinbeck, 13)
Crooks is a black man that experiences isolation because the society mostly is racist. As a result, this quote was his way of finding a personal connection to Lennie. Like Lennie, Crooks has a 'relationship' with loneliness. He knows that when people get lonely, they tend to get sick. Studies show that people who suffer from loneliness have higher incidence of health problems. This can be determined based on his emotional behavior. \" At the rate Crooks is headed, he will probably die in a short period of time. Gerontology stated \"seniors, who attend church at least weekly, live longer than those who don't.\" By attending church, the attendees maintain a relationship with god and have the ability to relieve themselves of loneliness. They can deal with their problem of loneliness through attending church or other social events and in turn, live longer. Crooks is rejected from every group of people and cannot interact with others.
\"Loneliness can result from rejection...\" (Couns.uiuc.edu/loneline.htm) Although discrimination is still present during the time period of the book (the great depression), Crooks still attempts to make friends. Others treat Crooks unjust because he is different from others given that he is black. He does not know how to treat others because of the way others treat him; with disrespect. Furthermore, he does not know how to vent his frustration and as a result, lashes out at others because they are cruel to him. Crooks is not allowed to participate in daily events with white people. He is treated unfairly and therefore acts the same way toward the white people (the people who offended him.)
\"Cause I'm black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm Black.
They say I stink. Well I tell you, you all stink to me!\" (Steinbeck, 75)
Nobody likes to be forced to live in a barn, let alone to work only with the horses. Crooks spent most of his nights reading and he keeps away from others because of the way he is treated and this eventually leads to his very own emotional downfall. He is treated as an outcast and is forced to find friendship the only way he can, through the books that he reads. The Counseling Center of the University of Buffalo said that: \"When you are alone, use the time to enjoy yourself. For example, listen to music or watch a favorite television show. Do not spend the time eating endlessly or worrying about your problems.\" Obviously Crooks is aware of his problem and tries to cope with it through books and magazines.
Crooks is fascinated by the strength of the friendship of Lennie and George especially how close they are. Crooks said, \"Well, s'pose, jus' s'pose he don't come back. What'll you do then?\" (Steinbeck, 79) Crooks asks these questions because he does not have any friends. He was curious about the friendship of Lennie and George. He wants the people to feel the way that he did when he was lonely, having nobody with them. He is striving to achieve sympathy and understanding from others. Crooks would work for nothing if it meant communicating with others. Crooks offers to do what he can to clear out his problems of loneliness.
\"...If you...guys would want a hand to work for nothing - just his keep, why I'd come
an' lend a hand. I ain't so cippled I can't work like a son-of-a-bitch if I want to.\"
(Steinbeck, 84)
This quote supports that he is attracted to the friendship of Lennie and George. It also proves that all Crooks wants to do was talk to people, and he will do anything for it, even work like a \"son-of-a-bitch.\"
Candy, an old, physically disabled swamper, has worked on the ranch practically his whole life. When Candy was on the ranch, he got into an accident that cost him a physical handicap. Farm machinery took away his hand, leaving him money and loneliness. The definition of lonliness is \"to be excluded from a group or a result of a tragedy\". As a result of Candy's age and disability he has a feeling of uselessness. Since Candy feels that he is old, he places himself in a state of mind that handicaps him more than his missing hand ever will. He looks down on himself as an old worthless man wasting away his last few years. He is often afraid of losing his work, not to mention is whole life. Because of his lonliness
"I got hurt four years ago. They'll can me purty soon. Jus' as soon as I can't swamp out no bunk houses they'll put me on the county.\" (Steinbeck, 66)
Candy is so down that he puts himself into the state of solitude. He is often allowed to go out with the other guys, but he always refuses due to his negative aspect towards himself. Candy thinks that nobody wants to be friends with him because of his disability. Eventually, he tries to find a friendship by attempting to join the dream of George and Lenny, to own and run their own little ranch. This is one of Candy's desperate attempts to find a place in society and meaning in life. Candy offered his services to become a part of George and Lennie's friendship and dream.
\"I'll wash dishes an' little chick stuff like